What happens when you’re ‘not in sync’

We shouldn’t wait to do what has to be done in order to look and feel better.


The human body speaks to us in ways we understand—aches, pains, cravings. And the only sane thing to do is to heed these signals.


You know when there is a problem within you when you have difficulty walking, have pain in your shoulders, increasingly intolerable headaches.


Take the story of Annie, a 51-year-old homemaker and part-time baker. It was early morning when she woke up in bed experiencing what she thought was a heart attack. A sharp pain shot through her chest from the back.


Immobilized for a few minutes, she felt like the pulsating pain was radiating from her spine. After three minutes, it appeared to have subsided. She sat up and managed to quickly get dressed to rush to the emergency room of a nearby hospital. After the ECG was completed, the attending doctor told her that her heart was fine. It was not a heart attack.


Relieved, she returned home, only to experience a second attack. A friend recommended she visit a chiropractic to check her spine.




It took only a few minutes for the therapist to discover that her spine was misaligned at the C-4 section, which governs the thoracic region (the heart). No wonder it felt like a heart attack! The problem was a blocked nerve. After a 45-minute session of gentle manipulation, she felt better. Today, when the pain recurs, she knows that she has broken the rules (again) of spine care.


The unique treatment given to her was the activator method chiropractic technique or AMCT. Gil Merina trained under Dr. Sun Ming Hao, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor in Taiwan who has developed and refined a chiropractic style originally practiced by Dr. Allan Fuhr.


Instrument adjusting dates back to ancient American history.


Montana Crow, an Indian medicine man, used an instrument on the spine to adjust musculoskeletal differences.


AMCT is a chiropractic method and device created by Dr. Fuhr as an alternative to manual manipulation of the spine. It consists of a small, handheld, spring-loaded instrument which delivers a small impulse to the spine. It delivers no more than .3J of kinetic energy in a three-millisecond pulse.


Through gentle tapping of the spine, the misaligned portion is gently coaxed back into place. Annie enjoyed the relaxing session so much that she fell asleep halfway through the session. If before one leg was shorter than the other, then after, she was walking with perfect balance. (Call 4119168 or 0917-8001313.)


Basic rules for spine care:

1. No crossing of legs.

2. Keep your back straight.

3. Avoid carrying heavy bags strapped to one shoulder.

4. Never reach out for something behind you with your arms extended backwards. Instead, turn your body around and then extend your arms forward.

5. Keep your bra strap fastened loosely.

6. Always bend your knees when picking up something from the floor.

7. Have gentle regular exercise daily.


Bluer than the blues


It was a crying spell that seemed endless. Peter, 30, a pianist by profession, never had mood or behavioral problems while growing up. In fact, his mother used to say proudly to family and friends that he was a quiet, responsible child who never gave her problems.


But today, he felt down and out, depressed, hopeless and helpless.  Even if he had a family who loved him, his life seemed to be moving faster down a deep, dark hole. He feared losing his sanity and occasionally contemplated suicide.


One fine morning, his sister visited him and off they went to see a psychotherapist.


Peter, after a long session with the doctor, was diagnosed with  depression.


Upon further examination of his lifestyle, it was discovered that he was sleepless and nutritionally deficient. As a pianist, he worked long hours past midnight and hardly ate nutritious meals.


His new regimen included:


1. Seven to eight hours of sleep nightly to boost serotonin, the brain hormone that regulates mood

2. More greens and fruits in his daily diet

3. Twenty minutes of basking under the early morning sun to increase vitamin D production   (which boosts the mood)

4. Daily exercise

5. Zero alcohol or caffeinated beverages, and no smoking cigarettes before bedtime

6. Supplementation with vitamin B complex (to boost the brain and calm the mood)


But beyond the lifestyle or the physical manifestations brought about by his habits, Peter had personal issues revolving around his father.


Through regular therapy, he became more aware of the root cause of his emotional fragility, his “father issues,” and resolved to transcend his inner fears.


Small wonder he was such a workaholic; burying himself in work numbed his feelings about himself and his father. By recognizing his unresolved anger, he was asked to take charge of his life in a positive manner. Furthermore, he realized that he had low self-esteem, a lack of self-worth. Through counseling and the support of his family, Peter became a more confident, happy person.


Too young to be sick


All of 19 years old, Cynthia, a bright college student, is on a maintenance pill for her soaring cholesterol levels. Health-conscious since her early teens, she gave up carbohydrates in order to have an 18-inch waistline.


But one morning, she woke up feeling dizzy. After a routine blood test, her cholesterol was that of a 70-year-old. After several tests it was suspected that she was a “cholesterol responder.” In short, her body recognizes and absorbs the cholesterol contained in all foods.


Thus, no matter how low the cholesterol content in food, her body would absorb and recognize it. Thank goodness for early detection, by being aware of her sensitivity to cholesterol, she can and will avoid it from now on by practicing moderation and caution.  And this means:


1. More live enzymes through vegetables and fruits, water and fresh juices

2. Exercise

3. Additional supplements to lower cholesterol naturally—flaxseed oil (one to two capsules daily), policosanol forte (one tablet daily), garlic oil capsules (one to two times daily), one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (to boost HDL, the good cholesterol)

4. Avoid dairy, butter, cheese (especially popcorn laced with melted butter)

5. Minimize red meat


Affirm today: “Something great is coming my way!”


Love and light.