Everyday remedies using everyday ingredients

It’s the little things that count. Oftentimes we live our lives unmindful of the benefits we can derive from the simplest and humblest of remedies.


Look around. It’s everywhere. Perhaps they become so commonplace to us that we label them as ordinary.


Here is how the ordinary becomes extraordinary.


Goodness in the bitter


That’s right. It might leave a bitter taste in the mouth. But this is precisely where its health benefits come from.


Commonly known in the Philippines as ampalaya (momordica charantia Linn or bitter melon), this dark-green and cucumber-like vegetable with warts may be low on looks but is high on nutrients.


Also considered a fruit, its momordicin is what causes the bitterness. Nutrients include vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, minerals, calcium, iron and phosphorus.


Health benefit: One cup of ampalaya every day can effectively cause hypoglycemic activity within the body. In short, it controls blood sugar/glucose levels immediately.


Wellness Rx: Take ampalaya as a vegetable, salad or juice.


Sugar Buster Juice


½ seeded fresh raw ampalaya fruit (with or without leaves)

1 small singkamas (jicama)

1 green apple (peeled and seeded)


Run through a juicer.


Antibacterial effect


Add ginger and sage to the list. If you have nausea, sore throat and indigestion, the antibacterial effect of this trio is amazing. Either fresh or powdered, they can be used as a tea and bath soak.


Throat Soother


¼ tsp cinnamon and ½ tsp freshly squeezed grated ginger


Mix in hot water.


Add ¼ tsp lemon juice.


Mix and sip.


If you want a power-packed throat helper, add ½ tsp Manuka Honey from New Zealand.


The antibacterial power of this special kind of honey cuts itchiness in the throat almost instantly. (Call 6365588.)


Cabbage and potato


If you are in need of antiseptic benefits, these two vegetables are the answer.


Cabbage is great for the digestive system and easy on the stomach. And because it is high in fiber, it can become one of your favorite slimming foods.


When taken raw and juiced, potatoes can provide relief from arthritic pain.


Wellness Rx: Even as a poultice, the antiseptic, toxin-drawing power of cabbage and potato is evident.


Grate a mixture of both, wrap in a handkerchief.


Apply to the boil or infected area immediately.


Note: Wash the affected area first before applying the poultice. Leave on for 15 to 30 minutes, twice daily.


Detox soak bath


Every so often, you need to cleanse. Make it a healthy habit of ridding your body of the accumulated toxic substances you may have consumed, inhaled or touched.


Draw a bath with hot water.  Note: The warmer, the better. But don’t scald yourself.


First, make sure that your bathtub is clean. Soak baths have wonderful drawing and cleansing power.




1 c Epsom salts

5 drops peppermint oil (optional)


Baking soda cleanse


Most people find enemas uncomfortable, especially men. Women, on the other hand, are more open to varied health approaches.


An enema has been the age-old, traditional cure for constipation or the simple cold.


If you find your sinuses constantly problematic, or if you have recurring indigestion and constipation, try having an enema today.




1 pint warm distilled or mineral water

1 tsp baking soda or juice of ½ lemon seeded




Introduce into your system slowly and in three equal portions. Or introduce the entire solution. The guarantee here is instant relief.


After releasing all the fecal matter stuck in your colon, you will feel that your sinuses have cleared and you are feeling lighter. This is a natural sensation because you have released excess and unwanted toxic baggage.


Within 21 days of doing weekly enemas, notice the new radiance of your skin and complexion.


And that’s a promise.


Olive oil soother


High in Omega-3, olive oil addresses many health issues from high cholesterol to skin burns.


On the beauty side, it can act as natural moisturizer and skin hydrator.


To combat cholesterol problems, ingest one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil daily before bedtime. Olive oil will not neutralize your medications but it’s best to take them separately. Make this a lifestyle habit. It can only contribute to better health.


For minor burns, simply apply a thin film of oil on the affected area, twice to thrice daily.


If you want overall skin polishing you may take this recipe:


1 tbsp sugar

1 tsp olive oil


Mix. Scrub all over the face and body.


Rinse and shower.


Sometimes there may not be a need to apply an after-bath lotion because your skin has already been smoothened.


Affirmation: “Today I claim my glory.”


Love and light!


(Reference: “A Treasury of Natural First Aid” by James Kusick)