Should Meghan Trainor Be the New Face of These Trainers?

meghan trainor skechers preen
As some sort of initiation to pop star status, All About that Bass” singer and songwriter Meghan Trainor becomes the new face (or foot) of the shoe brand Skechers. The announcement came as a surprise, especially since the artist has come under fire for spreading a defeating message on both body image and self-worth to young women. Meghan’s top hit supposedly takes a jab at a certain body type, and extols sexist views, which are uninspiring to the brand’s young and female consumers.
This time, it will be “all about the shoes” when it comes to the brand’s partnership with her, says Michael Greenberg, president of Skechers. You’ll clearly see that it is all about the footwear as the first official photo to go with the news is Meghan holding a purple, floral shoe close to her face. 
But here’s the thing: you’ll only see more of these in 2017.

Although you can expect her to seal the deal via a legit commercial set to appear later this year, Meghan will only start figuring in international campaigns by 2017. By then, she will be all over social media, complementing fellow artist Demi Lovato’s ongoing Colorful Comfort campaign.

Skechers has been known to employ celebrities to peddle the brand—and quite successfully, if we may add. In fact, too successfully, that it has been branded as the underdog that rivals Nike both in sales and influence.


Photo courtesy of Business Wire