Going natural

Giving and sharing are two of the most enriching practices one can adopt in life. So allow me to share what I have learned and discovered.


Q: Despite the raging controversy over stem cells, I would like to try the treatment. Which one is the safest?


It has already been announced by medical experts and certified professional medical groups that the safest form of stem-cell treatment is from your own body, called autologous (either from your fat, blood or bone marrow).


There have been amazing and dramatic results, both medically and aesthetically. A patient can expect to look and feel 10 to 15 years younger.


If you believe in the power of plants, as I do, you may also consider MF III Vegetal Placenta. It is the only vegetal placental extract enriched with non-GMO stem cell bio activators which are then filtered with the most advanced cellular extraction technology.


Swiss-made and manufactured by Lab Dom AVMM, this latest treatment is endorsed by the International Association for Cell Therapy. The rationale for this is simple: Plants have embryos much like mammals. And the placenta of a plant is brimming with phyto stem cells.


Through Dermacenta, a process of bio-stimulating placenta ingredient is able to do the following: skin stem cell regeneration, speed up wound healing, and restore vitality and energy. Through the Total Skin Rejuvenation and Revitalization Program, a better complexion and general improvement of body energy can be achieved—naturally.


Q: Are there foods that can enhance the healing power of my body? Aren’t vitamins enough?


While vitamins are not magical solution to your health challenges, they can help. However, you can enhance the healing benefits of vitamins through the foods you eat.


Fighting a cold or allergy, for instance, can be addressed through a well-balanced diet and by taking zinc-rich foods like eggs and shellfish. Zinc boosts the immune system to ward off any kind of disease.


Zinc works in tandem with calcium and magnesium—which are found in nonfat yogurt, cheeses, leafy greens, sardines with bones, orange juice, broccoli, brown rice, avocado, spinach, oatmeal, banana and baked potato.


Niacin is a mineral that can either be helpful or destructive. Just enough can lower cholesterol, but too much can cause liver damage. Not to be taken indiscriminately in the form of supplements, niacin is best sourced from chicken breast, tuna, veal, cereals and fortified breads.


Iron is a mineral deficient in most people, especially women in their reproductive years.  Much of the iron we consume is used to form hemoglobin, the main substance used by the body’s red blood cells to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. It is stored in the bone marrow, liver, spleen and other organs. Another immune system booster, iron can be found in beef, cereals, soy beans, clams, pumpkin seeds and moringa (malunggay).


Q:   My father underwent  gallstone surgery. What can I do to prevent this from happening to me?


If you are overweight and constantly consume high-fat and oily food, chances are you may inherit your father’s problem. Luckily, it’s a lifestyle choice. And you do have the power to change your fate.


Nenita, a 21-year-old call center officer, did not have enough time or inclination to eat healthier food. So she resorted to fries and baked goodies. One day, she downed one whole pizza, three milkshakes and one bag of chips.


After four hours, she was rushed to the emergency room.  The sharp pain in her upper right abdomen was excruciating. The hospital, after several tests, found a pea-sized gallstone. She needed either surgery or a miracle that could make it exit through her bowel.


Many people have gallstones without realizing it. Stones are formed when a grain of calcium enters the gallbladder and is coated with cholesterol or bilirubin, a substance that is in your hemoglobin.


How to keep away from gallstones:


  • Cut back/avoid fatty foods.


  • Eat more fish. Take fish oil supplements.


  • Cut down on your sugar intake. It is suspected that sugar increases the cholesterol in your gallbladder.




Affirm today: “I deserve the best.”

Love and light!


(Reference: “Healing with Vitamins,” from the editors of Prevention Magazine)