Facebook’s New Upgrade May Just Be a Huge Step Down

facebook upgrade preen

This is the reason why  you should only fix things that are broken.

In an effort to save you the hassle of typing up “Happy Birthday” for the acquaintances you forgot were your contacts, Facebook introduces a new option that might not really be an upgrade. Upon adjusting your account settings, Facebook now only needs to notify you about a friend’s birthday, and all you have to do is reply “1” back.  That way, the greeting automatically gets posted on their walls. Convenient? Yes. Necessary? Not entirely.

This will sure force us to be more creative in greeting  people who really matter to us. I mean, would you really want your best friend to think that the only effort you could spare on his or her special day is typing up a number? Plus, there really isn’t much of reason left now as to why you forgot to greet a friend a happy birthday. Maybe not everything is not lost after all.


[Dazed Digital]

Photo courtesy of WMaker