Whether or not it’s UAAP season, there’s no better way to show school pride than wearing your school’s name across your chest, with your chin up high, just like the superheroes we admire.
Superheroes always wear their own symbols across their chests. Superman, Captain America, Spiderman and even The Incredibles have stylized emblems that make them recognizable to the people they protect from villains. But more than that, these superhero symbols are the most powerful weapons that no one can ever take away.
In the same way, school shirts, together with school merchandise, are students’ “weapons” of identity.
Maroon as symbol
For students of the University of the Philippines (UP), maroon is a color that symbolizes their school pride as Iskolar ng Bayan. Oftentimes, UP pride is reflected on shirts that can be worn during UAAP games, around the school grounds, or even on ordinary days.
But there are other types of school pride merchandise aside from the ordinary T-shirt. Varsity jackets and hoodies became popular UP apparel because they are comfortable and give off a sporty vibe.
More stuff like duffel bags and handy drawstring bags are perfect for every UP student’s belongings. There are also UP keychains, lanyards, tumblers, notebooks, among others.
Various designs and prints are crafted to reflect UP pride. The most commonly used design is the school’s official logo. UP’s iconic symbol, the Oblation, is another popular print on shirts and other merchandise. Meanwhile, witty statements like “Tatak UP!” and “Iskolar Than You” are catchy and creative ways to show school pride.
Oblation Nation
The University of the Philippines Circle of Entrepreneurs (UPCE) is one of the best places to purchase school merchandise. Oblation Nation is UPCE’s brand that carries original and innovative products.
Its impressive line ranges from baseball shirts and hoodies to bags and many more.
The UAAP season is the most awaited period when the battle extends from sports competition to school pride. When everything comes down to the wire, strong school spirit has the ability to capsize any game of strength and might.