A competitive cyclist’s guide to courteous cycling

Remember that many of those you see on the road may not be as courteous a cyclist as you are or are unaware of how to share a road with those on two wheels

Photos by Dovile Ramoskaite and Jordan Brierley/Unsplash

After a few tries at living the single-track life, you’ve become a veritable cycling aficionado. Take a moment to pick up a few good manners and bits of etiquette for when you’re out riding by yourself, with your group, or racing. Not only does it make you look like a real stand-up guy on two wheels, it also improves your chances of finishing your rides in one piece.

Courteous cycling tip 1: Give me a sign

Old habits die hard, and the oldest habit you should have is to always share your intention with everyone else on the road. Whether you’re riding on busy streets or with your team, give clear hand signals to tell others where you’re going and call out what you see that they might not. They’ll be able to anticipate your next moves better, which can probably save you from an accident or two.

Whether you’re riding on busy streets or with your team, give clear hand signals to tell others where you’re going and call out what you see that they might not

Courteous cycling tip 2: Wait for your turn

Coming underneath (or attempting to overtake a rider ahead of you by cutting on the inside of the turn) only has two outcomes: You’re either late to the lead and your front wheel hits a rider or you turn wide and possibly win the race along with the ire of the whole pack. Overtaking on the outside of a turn is safer and less menacing for all parties involved.

Courteous cycling tip 3: Ask before you sit

Sitting in or staying in the draft zone of another cyclist is a mutual agreement between two cyclists. The one in front will stay conscious that someone is behind them, while the one behind stays well behaved and focuses on keeping their distance. Unless you’re great friends, be sure to ask if it’s okay to sit in. This is especially important in descents, climbs, and other precarious scenarios; you won’t know how your counterpart is going to act in a split-second situation.

When riding in groups, keep it courteous with two riders shoulder-to-shoulder (or in one line for tighter roads)
When riding in groups, keep it neat with two riders shoulder-to-shoulder (or in one line for tighter roads)

Courteous cycling tip 4: Follow race rules

It’s bad enough for an athlete not to read the rules of a race and it’s worse to knowingly flout them, but it makes no difference to your fellow racers—you’ll still look like a jerk. Lucky for you, the rules are quite clear for most races: Obey the marshal’s calls, don’t draft if it’s a non-drafting race, and don’t get on the bike behind the mount line. Take five minutes to browse the race rules for any special advice.

Courteous cycling tip 5: Share the road

Asserting yourself on the road is a requirement on the busier streets of Metro Manila but it does not mean you and your pals can take the whole lane. Staying on the right side of the lane allows vehicles and faster cyclists to overtake you safely. When riding with a group, keep it neat with two riders shoulder-to-shoulder (or in one line for tighter roads), staying conscious of cars behind you.

Staying on the right side of the lane allows vehicles and faster cyclists to overtake you safely

Courteous cycling tip 6: Be nice

Cycling is growing and becoming more popular in Manila, giving our motorists more and more opportunities to get acquainted with our kind. Remember that when you’re out there, you represent cyclists in general. Remember that many of those you see on the road may not know how to share a road with cyclists on them.

Cycling is a sport with many unwritten rules that change depending on the context. Turns get more aggressive in short races, and riding skills are more critical in pelotons and technical sections. These bits of etiquette and expressions of respect to fellow cyclists and those around you, however, are universal.