David Beckham Won’t Let You Question His Parenting

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David Beckham will let you judge his football skills or ogle over him half-naked in his underwear campaigns. But the minute you spite his fatherhood skills, he fights back. A father of four, David posted on his Instagram account a response to the The Daily Mail’s article about letting four-year-old Harper still use a pacifier or a dummy (British for pacifier).

The piece entitled, “Why does Harper, four, still use a dummy? Experts warn David and Victoria Beckham’s little girl may end up with ‘speech or dental issues’ if she continues to use one.”

The article jots down the negative effects of this saying that kids “well beyond [a certain] age” still using pacifiers may later on develop problems with their teeth and even speech. It continued on saying that “[d]ummies are usually used to soothe and settle restless children and are only recommended for small babies.”

But David isn’t having any of it. He posted a response on his Instagram account with a screenshot of the article and captioned it with: “Why do people feel they have the right to criticize a parent about their own children without having any facts?” He continues by saying, “Everybody who has children knows that when they aren’t feeling well or have a fever you do what comforts them best and most of the time it’s a pacifier. So those who criticize [better] think twice about what you say about other people’s children because actually you have no right to criticize me as a parent.”

A few of his 10 million followers who are also parents commented saying, “My daughter was born just a couple of months after [H]arper and still has a dummy every night for bed. It comforts her and helps her to sleep so what right does anybody have to strip her of that.” Another noted, “My cousin still had a dummy [till] she was six. No dental or speech problems!”

No comment from his wife Victoria Beckham has been given as of press time.

[The Independent]


Photo courtesy of The Daily Mail / Photo by WENN.com