It Took Tinder 31 Tweets to Say They Aren’t Just for Hookups

Photo courtesy of Wired
Photo courtesy of Wired
When Vanity Fair’s Nancy Jo Sales penned an article on how Tinder contributes to the “dating apocalypse,” the app refused to take it sitting down. Tinder went on a 31-tweet tirade to defend itself and its dating mechanics.
Tinder began by calling out the journalist for her incorrect survey results, and offering her and Vanity Fair the “actual” and correct stats. While it started off seemingly objective and numerical, whoever it was behind the account tweeted the real deal that annoyed them about the report. 



Just when everybody thought they were done bitching, the account went on a more dramatic monologue on how Tinder is actually an app for “more meaningful connections.”

And yes, they do have more meaningful relationships, specially when some of them got to meet via Tinder in China and North Korea. The New York Times reports on the mockery these claims met online. Many have made creative memes, while some doubted the claims.

Nonetheless, the journalist was firm with her piece and tweeted: “not clear: are you suggesting journalists need your okay to write about you?”

And to join the doubters:


Tinder, then, issued a statement to end it all: “Our intention was to highlight the many statistics and amazing stories that are sometimes left unpublished, and, in doing so, we overreacted.”
Photo courtesy of  Wired