Can one heal by touch?

One of the oldest, simplest and most natural forms of healing is by touch. Yes, using our hands to ease pain and to heal all forms of physical ailment simply by placing them lightly on the affected part has been practiced since ancient times all over the world.


Healing by touch is instinctive in all of us. We don’t have to learn it from anybody. If we bump our head, our most natural and immediate reaction is to place our hand where the pain is. And we keep it there until the pain subsides.


In the Christian Bible, there are so many examples of sick people healed by Jesus Christ using touch, as when he made a blind man see by merely touching his eyes.


Sometimes he used only verbal command, as when he ordered Lazarus who had been dead three days to rise.


At other times, Jesus used common materials, like mud, to heal the sick. He never used drugs or chemicals, perhaps because they had not yet existed at that time. Or more likely because they were not needed to effect healing.


Some readers may say, “Okay, Jesus Christ can heal like that because he is God. He can do anything, but not us ordinary mortals.”


Wait, Jesus also said that everything he had done we can also do, if we only believed in him. The exact passage can be found in John 14:12 where it says: “Verily, verily, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.”


If this is the case, I often wonder why most Christian priests cannot heal. But that’s another story.


Healing touch


Let’s go back to natural healing touch. This method has been called by many names. Some of the most common modern terms used for this are: “laying on of hands, magnetic healing, pranic healing, healing by bio-energy.”


Two Western healers who have studied, codified and systematized healing by touch are the late Dr. John Thie, whom I met in San Francisco, and Barbara Ann Brennan, whom I met in London in the early ’90s.


Thie was a chiropractor who wrote the book “Touch for Health” and established a center to conduct healing using only touch, massage and making diagnosis through what is known as “Applied Kinesiology,” or muscle testing.


Brennan is a medical intuitive and clairvoyant who practices in New York. I met her in London where I accompanied the Cebu faith healer Emilio Laporga. Brennan was with another well-known researcher Dr. Danny Benor who wrote a two-volume book on healing around the world where he quoted my work on Philippine healers.


She also wrote the very informative and practical book “Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field.”


Ray of light


Brennan told me what she saw when she observed the Filipino healer Laporga performing psychic surgery at a distance of about two feet from the patient’s body.


She said that as soon as Laporga pointed his fingers on the body of the patient, she saw a very strong spark of light radiate from his fingers and hit the patient’s body. As soon as this happened, blood suddenly spurted out of the patient.


She said that the Filipino healer was using a very strong but subtle force which could break open the patient’s body. Unfortunately, only Brennan saw the spark of light come out of the healer’s hand. I only felt a very strong energy while he was healing, but I saw nothing.


This is because since childhood, Brennan could see the human aura very clearly and describe not only its colors in detail but also its configuration. She could recognize a healthy aura and distinguish it from a diseased auric field.


Her book “Hands of Light,” which was published by Bantam Books in 1986, gives a very detailed and comprehensive guide to healing with one’s hands.




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