A homeopathic doctor believes that cancer is caused by negative emotions. For instance, cancer in the left breast is born out of a loss, and femininity issues. Cancer in the right breast is spurred by conflicts with the opposite sex. Cancer in the small intestines is a result of prolonged depression. Anger, meanwhile, can result in cancer in the large intestine.
Indian-born Dr. Shaji Kudiyat maintains that the soul or life force, the mind and emotions, and bodily functions are all intimately linked. Positive and negative experiences and impressions can thus have an impact on physical functions. Feelings of anger, worry or sorrow can subsequently make the body more vulnerable.
On the other hand, when the patient awakens its spiritual identity or begins to understands itself as a life force and attunes itself to love and hope, healing can begin.
At the start of his medical practice, Kudiyat realized that cancer was being treated without understanding its root causes. “Today’s cancer treatments mainly focus on the identification and rectification of the tumor growth,” he says. “It is achieved by surgically removing the tumor or by destroying it by chemotherapy or radiation.”
He realize that the things he learned in medical school had their limitations. Science maintains that genes are responsible for life and that the body is made of material components and biochemical actions and reactions. However, they don’t have the ability to think, feel or express emotions.
Based on his researches, Kudiyat says he discovered that there is a nonmaterial element, a living energy, that actually makes the body function.
“This energy can be easily identified as the wave which the doctors and nurses monitor in all intensive care units,” he says. “My curious mind started searching for solutions by which we can overcome scientific limitations.”
‘Dynamic Science’
This led him to form what he calls “Dynamic Science,” which attempts to explain how the mind, the vital force (soul) and DNA (which decides all physical functions) are interconnected.
“It answers many questions and helps solve some difficult problems including diseases like cancer,” says Kudiyat.
“Dynamic Science can explain how our thoughts decide the genetic nature of our own DNA. So when we have positive thoughts, the vibrations can modify the DNA constructively, resulting in a curative DNA. Similarly, negative thoughts modify the DNA, resulting in the unhealthy transformation of the DNA, producing diseases including cancer.”
Kudiyat observes that cancer patients follow a certain pattern: They held deep-seated negative emotions and hurts before they developed cancer.
“Through Dynamic Science, we identify the root cause of cancer and chronic diseases as negative mental states other than nutritional deficiency and lack of proper rest, sleep and exercise,” says Kudiyat.
Nonsurgical alternative
He offers a nonsurgical alternative. First, he makes a holistic case study of the patient by knowing the personality. Then the patient and family attend a group counseling session. This includes probing the psychological reasons for the cancer. He helps the patient understand what is needed to be done to eliminate the causes.
He then prescribes homeopathic medicine and encourages yoga, meditation, prayer, music therapy, laughter therapy and other techniques to let the mind be at peace.
Kudiyat shares a success story. A married lady had conflicts with her husband which remained unresolved for many years. This hardened her. She slowly developed a lump in the right breast which became malignant. After she consulted several doctors, her biopsy confirmed that she had invasive ductal carcinoma.
Although she underwent mastectomy, she also consulted Dr. Kudiyat for a lifestyle change. The patient realized that beneath the hardened heart was a wellspring of peace and happiness. She learned to forgive, let go, move on and trust again.
“That was in 1997; she’s still alive,” he says.
Dr. Shaji Kudiyat will hold a lecture on “Dynamic Science: Approach to Cancer Prevention & Treatment” on Sept. 5, from 6 to 9:30 p.m., at Santuario de San Antonio, Buffalo cor. Duke St., Greenhills. For details, call 0917-5275002.