The Signature TSwift Awards Show Dance Move Finally Gets a Name

Taylor Swift Preen
So that dance move where you awkwardly flail your arms and get lost in the music? Trust Taylor to name and brand anything that she does (and you eventually do).
Her GIF-worthy moves are apparently her doing the “Mom-Croon.”
It took a Swiftie to ask Taylor this on Tumblr—“Seriously Taylor…what do you call this dance move?”—and the 1989 artist proudly called it that.
She never really lost her over-sharing tendencies, so they showed when Taylor explains the nature of her signature move. “[It’s] a dance move invented at the 2014 Grammy Awards,” she writes. “To sway, perform, and sing along to a song in an extremely emotional or sentimental way, possibly incorporating hand gestures. Eyes closed, lost in the music. The way your mom gets taken away by a tune from her high school days, glass of red wine in hand, shuffling around the room as her teenage kids roll their eyes in disdain.”
You know this means business when Taylor doesn’t stop there.
Cynics may judge the Mom-Crooners (MC’s as they are commonly referred to in the dance world) as it is a form of dance only perfected by those willing to be absolutely swept away by the feels you get when you hear a certain song,” she continued.
“Those who know how to MomCroon cannot see the eye rolls of haters. They have reached a level of musical transcendence that is hater-proof. Once you perfect the mom-croon, you are truly free.”
Wow, so serious. Much deep. Take notes, Oxford dictionary. 

Considering all the haterade she’s been getting, Taylor may need to Mom-Croon her way back to her national sweetheart status.

[E! Online]

Photo courtesy of People