8 other things you can do at The Mind Museum

HAVE a close encounter with a dinosaur skeleton. PHOTOS BY JILL LEJANO
KIDS can play with puzzles at The Mind Museum.

1. Watch films. There are three science films you can watch with your kids at The Mind Museum. Go to the Space Shell at the Universe Gallery to relax on the super-comfortable space couches and enjoy “Life: A Cosmic Story,” narrated by Jodie Foster.


Nature’s Hour Glass, a mini-theater you can find at the Earth Gallery, plays two films alternately—“Birthplace” and “Ang Simula,” original Filipino-made 3D films showing the natural history of the Earth and of the Philippines.


There are screenings of the three films all throughout the day. Note: In one screening, a toddler wouldn’t stop screaming and howling because being in the dark theater scared him, embarrassing his parents and making the narration hard to hear for everyone else. Exercise parental judgment in deciding if your child is old enough to enjoy this experience.


2.  Play in the Shadow Room. This room allows you to freeze your shadows, so have fun trying wacky poses—jump, form letters with your bodies, pretend to be ballerinas!


3. Uncover fossils in the Fossil Room.


LET the Van de Graaff generator make your hair stand.

4. If you’re brave enough, put your hands through the holes in the petting zoo and try to guess which animals are inside.


5. Let the Static Ball make your hair stand. Don’t forget to take pictures.


6. Check out the T-Rex and the life-size butanding.


7. Walk through the giant brain and learn more about how your own mind works.


8. Study the phases of the moon with the touch of a button.