9 Female-Centric Podcasts That Fit Your Listening Interests

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Nothing can put an end to the achingly endless daily commutes of Manila. Whether trying to navigate the MRT during rush hour, or stuck at EDSA’s gridlock, getting back and forth in our nation’s largest metropolis is an exercise in mental fortitude. There is, however, a temporary, cerebral relief. Cue the podcasts.

Since the explosion of last year’s Serial, podcasts have gone from niche to mainstream. Shows that have been produced for years and some recently released are now getting attention like never before. Either you want to efficiently maximize your gridlock downtime or just want to catch up with your favorite bunch of wittier, silky-voiced girl friends, we have you covered.

 Here are nine recently lauded killer podcasts to keep you entertained—all of which have female voices, covering topics especially geared towards women.

The social butterfly
The only thing worse than a ride in a cab that’s blasting a power ballad is one that’s dead silent. When looking for some good conversation to fill the hour-long awkward pause, check out these podcasts for quips and insights into daily life.

Lady to Lady is a trio of spit-balling comedians joined by a special guest each week as they chat and tell stories about themselves, landing somewhere between “I can’t believe that actually happened” and “We’ve all been there.” Recent episodes have featured actor French Montana and Pitch Perfect writer Kay Cannon.

Decreeing themselves as an anti-slut shaming podcast, the duo behind Guys We Fucked has evolved conceptually. While early episodes featured interviews with the said guys, newer episodes serve as a more general, sex-positive catchall. These women are brutally honest firecrackers, with an edge that can make them part of your #squadgoals.

If Guys We Fucked is a Tequila-fueled night out, Call Your Girlfriend is the night in with a bottle of wine. Literally, wine is being consumed in this podcast. “Long-distance besties” is one way these hosts refer to themselves, recording from across the country on their podcast. They gab about pop culture, and the rapport totally works. Bonus: Call Your Girlfriend is not only a crazy good podcast to listen to, but the show notes for each episode are provided on CYG’s official Tumblr, making it super easy to blog their set list or reading recommendations.

Lady to Lady. Available on iOS. For more information, visit their website.
Guys We Fucked. Available on iOS. For more information, visit their Sound Cloud.
Call Your Girlfriend. Available on iOS. For more information, visit their website,


The pop culture lover
Even in a world with DVRs and web streaming, one can be at a loss for a good media fix when stuck in the MRT. These podcasts offer a myriad of pop culture fixes. From the local, to the hugely popular to the unpublished, these podcasts have it all.

Launched just this summer, The Artista Review brings discourse to the Filipino arts scene. Preen regular contributor Pauline Lacanilao is joined by friend Sandra Dans as they interview some of the finest artists, designers, and personalities in an attempt to explore the current state of the arts in the 7,107 islands of the country.

Sistah Speak has a network of shows spanning The Walking Dead, True Blood, and Game of ThronesSistah Speak is the sassiest recap podcast on the net. Don’t let their brassy demeanor betray you. These hosts know their stuff as they show in each of their massive episodes, often clocking in at four hours. If they cover a show you follow, they are a must for theories, and candid reactions to the latest events.

Pulling from Blacklist, a website that hosts unpublished scripts, Blacklist Table Reads presents excellent movie scripts repurposed into radio drama. The voice acting is killer, and the women-written scripts are as good as anything you’ll find in the Cineplex. Best of all? Admission is free, and you don’t have to smell like buttered popcorn for the rest of the day.

The Artista Review. Available for download on Pod Bean. For more information, visit their Facebook page.
Sistah Speak. Available for download on iOS. For more information, visit their website.
Blacklist Table Reads. Available for download on iOS. For more information, visit their website.


The traffic jam maximizer
For those made anxious by even a moment of downtime wasted, these podcasts will fulfill the need to keep the mind moving. Whether it’s business, fitness, or just expanding your knowledge base, listen to any of these podcasts and you’ll come out better for it.

In Startup, listeners follow the beginnings of a company, Dating Ring. Run by two women, they do everything a startup entails. The podcast doesn’t make their lives seem glossy or easy. The women struggle and often fail and the business is melded into shape. Startup is informative, well-produced, and a great reference for any entrepreneur.

Runner Girls, I’ll admit, can be a little basic at times. The banter isn’t quite up to snuff, but the women do discuss the ins and outs of running in massive detail. Each season they set themselves a new challenge, whether they be half marathons or speedy 5 kms. If you need a dose of fitness inspiration, listening to these women maneuver training into their hectic lives may just be the medicine you need.

From the people who created How Stuff Works comes Stuff Mom Never Told You, which is practically a female-centric variant on the original, hosted by “girl-next-door gender experts.” Episodes cover topics like “feminist anthropology,” “bisexual erasure,”  and “why women can’t go topless?” Equal parts witty and enlightening, the info shared in these episodes is sure to make you killer during trivia night.

Startup. Available for download on iOS. For more information, visit their website.
Runner Girls. Available for download on iOS. For more information, visit their website.
Stuff Mom Never Told You. Available for download on iOS. For more information, visit their website.


So, next time you’re stuck on C-5, EDSA, or wherever, listen to a podcast. Whether you’re looking for a laugh or a new perspective, there are a downloadable set of voices out there with something to say, and the expertise to say it.

Note: For Android users, download an external podcast app and check the availability of these podcasts.

 Art by Dorothy Guya