Structure meals like a restaurant experience to manage COVID-19 stress

These best practices from restaurants might be the answer to the stress and eating issue we are facing today

For some people, eating their way through the coronavirus crisis might be a way to feel good or respond to negative emotions and stress. But stress eating, as this behavior is more commonly known, can be detrimental to overall health. It can result in overeating, which can lead to serious issues such as obesity, hypertension, and chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer. 

Overeating might be an effect of the social isolation and restrictions many are experiencing right now, whether physical, (not being able to go out) or emotional (not being able to socialize). Mindless eating can then be a way to distract from the negativities. But there is a way to enjoy eating without going overboard. Think about your favorite restaurant: How do they execute the experience while making sure the food meets nutritional requirements?

Portion control

Portion control is simply determining the amount of calories in each meal to moderate your diet. This includes limiting calorie consumption per meal to avoid overeating. 

For some people, eating their way through the coronavirus crisis might be a way to feel good or respond to negative emotions and stress. But stress eating, as this behavior is more commonly known, can be detrimental to overall health.

Restaurants do this to track how much food goes on each plate. It’s a way to control the cost of ingredients and ensure quality and consistency. It also helps reduce food waste since it follows the standard size of a meal, which is around 667 calories according to the US Department of Agriculture’s dietary guidelines.

But the recommendation for Filipino consumers is the Department of Health’s Pinggang Pinoy, a properly portioned food plate model that meets daily nutrient requirements. There’s a food guide designed for different age groups, from kids ages three to 12 all the way up to 60 years old and above. There is also a food guide for pregnant and lactating women. 

Check nutrition labels and content

Some fast food chains in the US include calorie counts on their menu. McDonald’s, for one, even has an online nutrition calculator so customers can compute their meal’s total number of calories. This is in compliance with the US Food and Drug Administration’s mandate that menus should include calorie labels so customers can make informed choices.

In the Philippines, Senate Bill No. 854 or the “Nutritional Information Disclosure Act” is currently in the works. The bill aims to address health problems such as obesity and other dietary issues by requiring restaurants to incorporate nutritional information on their menu. 

While it’s still pending, a good habit to develop now is to check nutritional labels. According to the nutrition facts label found on most food packages, 2,000 calories per day per person is the standard caloric measure for a person’s consumption. Applying this rule to the Pinggang Pinoy guide, nutritionists recommend this sample meal:

*This is based on 2,000 calories per day and corresponds to one meal.

Strategic food stock

Restaurants ensure that they have enough stocks in order to keep serving customers. This should also be the case at home. In restocking the pantry, make sure there are healthy options. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, and root crops in your meals, too, and practice clean eating at least once a day. 

Try social (or virtual) dining to curb stress

While it’s true that eating with company makes you eat more, studies also show that eating alone can make your eating patterns “irregular, informal and individualized,” which can lead to health problems like obesity. According to a 2017 study in Appetite, those who eat alone resort to less healthier food. 

Studies show that dining with company can influence meal decisions and can make you eat healthier. This is called social modeling, or mimicking other people’s behavior by observing them.

An easy solution? Dine together with family as they play a vital role in, for example, a child’s growth and development. Children tend to eat healthier meals and grow into more responsible adults compared with families who eat separately.

If you live alone, consider virtual dinners with friends since studies show that “social modeling” (or imitating habits) can impact eating decisions. So if one of your friends orders a healthy meal, you are more likely to be persuaded to eat a healthy meal, too. 

Knowing what you eat (and how you eat especially in tough times like this) can boost your immune system and help control stress levels. Your body will thank you for developing healthy habits that will be beneficial not only today but even after the pandemic ends.