It’s all about enzyme power

(Part I)


The human body is a miraculous healing machine. It can repair itself back to perfect balance when disease strikes. While the wonders of modern medicine can rescue the body during an emergency, whether it is through surgery or pharmaceutical intervention, there is a far greater power contained within us all.


Is one’s time on this earth encoded in our bodies? Dr. Edward Howell, pioneer researcher on enzymes, thinks so. He believes that a living thing has a predetermined number of body enzymes called “enzyme potential.” And when the supply of this enzyme is exhausted, the life of the human body ends.


Dr. Hiromi Shinya, chief of Surgical Endoscopy Unit, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, and author of “The Enzyme Factor,” shares his wisdom.


His theory, developed through 35 years of practice while perfecting the excision of a polyp through surgical endoscopy, brought relief and healing to his many patients in the US and abroad.


Gastrointestinal health is widely accepted by many health experts, such that the stomach is likened to a “second brain.” In short, it is a center of healing or disease. Good gastrointestinal balance is indicative of a person in a healthy state of mind and body. Conversely, a person with an unhealthy stomach may be suffering from physical and mental challenges.


An enzyme is a generic term for a specific protein catalyst that is manufactured inside the cells of all living things. Whether in a plant, animal or human being, enzymes exist.


For every action happening within an organism, enzymes play an active role.


Without enzymes, cells cannot perform their assigned work. Enzymes participate in all actions needed to maintain life such as detoxification, energy supply, movement and transportation.


Without enzymes, living things cannot survive.


There are 5,000 kinds of vital enzymes created in the cells of the human body. And each enzyme has a specific function.


Dr. Shinya’s theory is that there exists a source enzyme, this general “unspecialized prototype enzyme” that can become any kind of enzyme.


Vital role


These “miracle” enzymes play a vital role in the healing of the human body.


He observed that when a person consumes a huge amount of alcohol, a much greater amount of enzyme is needed by the body to break down and digest the alcohol. This situation causes other parts of the body to have a less-than-normal level of enzymes.


This source enzyme has the potential (much like a stem cell) to become a specific enzyme, which the body requires for good health.


With confidence, Dr. Shinya assures us all that with his proposed diet and lifestyle, “none of my patients have had to face cancer again.”


He boldly explains that if you think that it is impossible to get well, you’re wrong.


Living to 100 is also not impossibility. But there are two kinds of centenarians: the strong and healthy and the sick and bedridden.


Which one would you like to be?


The difference between the two  is lifestyle, what one eats and does every day of one’s life. In short, our daily habits.


Debunking the myths:


Eat yogurt/milk daily for a calcium-rich diet and gut-health


Go on a high-protein diet


Remove carbohydrates


Boil tap water to remove chlorine


Drink green tea


His eyebrow-raising truths:


Green tea—While it may be high in antioxidants and polyphenols to neutralize free radicals, it can turn into tannic acid.


Tea containing tannic acid has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, the mucus membranes that line the stomach. Would you believe that an even “bitter” persimmon is caused by tannin? This same tannin turns into tannic acid, most especially when exposed to hot water and air.


With over 300,000 clinical observations, Dr. Shinya realized that a person with poor gastrointestinal health is not healthy. Consequently, he was led to research on things that  irritate and damage the stomach.


Through an endoscope, he realized that tea drinkers, when they overdo things, have chronic gastritis. And this is his observation about coffee drinkers, too.


In short, balance is the key.  When one overdoes just about any food or drink, the body reacts in a negative way.


A word of advice: If you enjoy your tea and coffee, drink it, but only after a meal.


Proteins are valuable to the body.  While animal meat is a good source of protein, it has been established that one of the healthiest diets in the world is the Japanese diet—seasonal vegetables, sea vegetables (seaweed) and fish.


There are approximately 300-400 billion bacteria entering the body with the food we eat. But stomachs with an acid level of 1.5 are strong enough to kill them. Intestinal health begins with the presence of 100 trillion bacteria from 300 varieties residing in the human intestine, like lactobacillus bifidus. And it is vital to one’s health to ensure a good bacterial presence—once again, the need for balance.




Today’s affirmation: “My life has balance—heart, mind and spirit.”


Love and Light!