Got Issues? Call Lana Del Rey

lana del rey hotline preen

If you call up the number printed on Lana Del Rey’s latest album, Honeymoon, there’s a chance you’ll get to talk to Lana Del Rey herself. The singer-songwriter launched a direct hotline so fans can chat with her about anything that’s on their minds. The number to call is 1-800-268-7886.

On the occasion that Lana is not available to pick up the phone, you’ll hear a recording of the singer reciting “Burnt Norton,” a poem by T.S. Elliot, some tracks from Honeymoon, and lectures from entrepreneur Elon Musk and physicist Lawrence Krauss on the Origins of the Universe.

A publicity stunt? Maybe. An effort to really get close to her fans? Possibly. Either way, this may be your real chance to hear what goes inside the mind of the woman who insists that there are more important issues other than feminism.


Photo courtesy of Playbuzz