The biggest running mistakes beginners make

Four newbie running mistakes you should avoid committing

Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU/Pexels

Before we had professional runners, we had beginners who could barely hold their own in the sport. Sometimes, people get inspired and dive in head first every chance they get. While that’s great and all, it’s easy to fall victim to these simple running mistakes that should be avoided by beginners. Watch out for the following:

1. Running too much

One thing that beginners tend to do is to run too fast or too far at once. It could either be that they’re so excited to run or they think that doing a lot is more effective. But this could put them at risk of injury. When starting out, beginners need to ease into running since their body needs to adjust to the routine.

A good way to start is by going on a walk and slowly building up to a paced run. Start by building up mileage before increasing intensity and frequency.

2. Only running

Some beginners, thinking that running is enough, don’t cross-train. Running can only exercise certain muscles, so mixing it up with other forms of training or sports can help balance the body. You do it so you don’t overuse the same muscles and get injured. Strength training builds muscle mass, but it can also improve running. It develops muscles that support the legs. Adding low-impact exercises are also good for beginners who can’t stay still on rest days.

When starting out, beginners need to ease into running since their body needs to adjust to the routine. A good way to start is by going on a walk and slowly building up to a paced run

3. Ignoring the signs

While running can be uncomfortable at first, there’s a difference between legitimate and long-lasting pain. Mild to moderate muscle soreness a day after is normal, and it’s a sign that the muscles are getting stronger. What isn’t is pain that is sudden and sharp, lasts longer than two days, and can go from tolerable to severe.

Be cautious of tendon and joint pain as well as swelling and bruising. Common running injuries can come from the muscles on the feet to the back of the leg. When it hits, stop and have the affected area checked to prevent further harm

4. Choosing the wrong shoes

For those who plan on making running a permanent part of their lifestyle, it’s important to pick the right shoes. There are two things that could be wrong: unfit shoes or worn-out shoes. These shoe problems cause blisters and injuries, and they make running more uncomfortable. Go to the nearest athletic store for a properly fit shoe and watch out for signs that it’s time to get a new pair.