A Really Messy Contest

It’s the classic exasperated mom warning: “Clean up your closets or you’d find a snake or elephant underneath that mess!”

Well, she’s wrong. Your mess might be hiding horrible secrets, hairy creatures and alien organisms, but thanks to a nifty contest, you might also find P20,000 worth of closet-organizing products in there.

If you or a friend need a closet makeover (and who doesn’t?), you might want to join the Messiest Closet Contest.  Aside from P20,000 worth of products from Howard’s Storage World Philippines, you might also win free sessions with professional organizer Kat Ong.

So march to your closet, get out your camera (if you can find it), and click!  For complete mechanics, go to www.spacethatworks.com  or facebook.com/HowardsStorageWorld Philippines. Deadline for entry submission is September 30.   Now hurry, before that snake or elephant beats you to it! •