Never too late

Starting over. It begins with the first step, as with every journey. And the empowering truth is that it is never too late to begin anew. With a goal in mind and driven by determination, one will certainly arrive at the desired destination.

A newer you begins with an image—the one you have always nurtured in your head. It is this image of who and what you would like to become that keeps popping up in the screen of your mind.

This is also the image where you have attached the oft-repeated words “tomorrow, tomorrow.” With resolve, tomorrow will become today.

Newness begins with:

Visualization—a clear and accurate idea and image of the new you.

Passion—the energy and drive that will sustain you throughout the long haul. This is necessary because no project is ever accomplished instantly.

Patience—as with every work of art, the canvas is completed over time and with meticulous brush strokes.

So, don’t be disappointed if you cannot see immediate results. In time, you will be pleased with the fruits of your effort.

Perseverance—this “never-say-die” attitude will keep you going. Coupled with “one-day-at-a-time,” you will see it through slowly but surely.

There will be mornings when you might wake up feeling lazy, so you must guard against this because once you succumb, this signals failure.

All the progress you made will set you back to Day One of your new regimen. So, do persevere.

Newness now

Once you have declared this state of newness for yourself, consider some natural approaches.

The two-step process covers the following:



Cleansing: Get rid of the junk you have acquired over the years. Two decades ago, “wellness” was still being introduced into our lifestyles. Even the term “lifestyle disease” was just beginning to enter our consciousness.

Here’s the crux of the matter: we all have toxins, parasites, heavy metals, chemicals, preservatives/coloring, synthetic substances and antibiotics in our system.

Unconsciously and unsuspectingly, these unwanted materials have been absorbed by our bodies through processed food and beverages, household cleaning products, polluted air and water. No one is spared, most especially if you live in an urban area.

This also explains the sudden urge of most urbanites to get away from city living and seek refuge in nature. Definitely, a stay in the mountains, forest or seashore helps much in detoxifying and recharging the senses.

Your wellness prescription:

Water detox—drink up between eight to 15 glasses of clean water daily.

Breathing exercises—take long, deep breaths daily. Mornings are the perfect time to do this, especially upon waking up. Inhale five counts, hold three counts, exhale five counts.

Or try the six-two-six method. The longer and slower you breathe, the better. Inhale six counts, hold two, exhale six counts. Do this at least 10 times. You will begin to feel the calming effect on your mood.

Exercise—that’s right, we all have to work the body. Sweating is one form of detoxification.

Don’t forget that the largest detox organ of the body is the skin. Sweat it out—brisk walk or jog, try a weekly sauna, increase chili intake as this can raise your metabolism and your ability to sweat.

Parasite and toxin cleanse—consult your family doctor for a strategic plan to detoxify the body.

There is a process called chelation which rids the body of heavy metals; there are also herbal supplements to combat parasites.

In complementary medicine, a device called the beam ray has programmed frequencies to “zap” parasites through light and sound therapy. It is painless and pleasant.

Fortifying—together with your doctor and nutritionist, a plan of action can be drawn up to include vitamin and mineral supplements in your diet. Consider IV-drip treatments for vitamin C and glutathione.

Load up on oral supplements as well and start with the basic vitamins A, C, D, E and the minerals selenium and zinc. This ought to get you going with energy.

You can heal yourself by using vitamins. Major studies have been made about introducing megadoses of C (through intravenous treatments) to boost the immune system.

Some pointers worth knowing:

Alcohol—excessive intake cancels out vitamin C, zinc and magnesium from your bloodstream. A healthy diet of eggs, fish, vegetables will correct this.

Sugar—too much sugar weakens the immune system. Take turmeric and acidophilus probiotic capsules to strengthen your blood and digestive system.

Cigarettes—these contain hundreds of chemicals that find their way into your lungs, liver, blood. One day, a major organ might give in. It’s only a matter of time.

Stop smoking and fortify your body with vitamins and minerals through a balanced eating lifestyle.


There is always room for improvement. Consult a beauty and aesthetics center for the latest in skin smoothening and clarifying treatments.

Some regimens to look into are light acid peels, apple stem cell skin treatments, PRP or plasma-rich platelet facial treatments, and laser/radio frequency sessions.

Enroll in a gym and ask for a trainer to design a program just for you.

New Year affirmation: “I am a new me!”

Love and light!