‘Overcoming guilt’

There is usually a feeling of regret and a sense of guilt in the aftermath of the holidays.


Studies show that people tend to exceed their limits during the holidays and they remain unmindful of the consequences of their excesses.


Some give in to a little bit more alcohol, if not an extra helping of fat, an added spoonful of sweets or a heaping pile of pasta.


Whether due to irresistible cravings or the lack of exercise, in the end it will all lead to the following: extra pounds, more than a handful of bulge, flabby and sallow skin, thinner muscle mass, more wrinkles or higher blood sugar or blood pressure levels.


The sins of excess come with a price—a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, lack of energy, a weaker immune system.


Too much, too little


Does it have to do with deprivation?  Where is that boundary between too much and too little?  Is it something we all need to discover through the mistakes we make in our lifetime?


And who is to say when enough is enough or not enough?


Health and wellness experts will point us toward the right direction.  Because the landscape of wellness is continuously evolving, it is important to remain inquisitive and flexible.


It is important to remember that no two human beings are alike.  And vitamin and mineral needs of individuals differ. Personal requirements depend on gender, height, weight and lifestyle.


Maximize but minimize


Here is the push and pull of the matter.  Let’s maximize the time, energy and youthfulness we have right now—this very minute.  Consider too, after a serious look into and an analysis of your lifestyle, to start minimizing the damages caused by excess.


Gary Zukav in “The Heart of the Soul” reminds us all about the classroom of love and fear—two separate rooms in the school of life.


Long after we have graduated, we realize that we actually plunged into a school where life teaches us lessons through challenges, problems and hurdles along the road to maturity and hopefully, wisdom.


In the midst of these sometimes life-threatening challenges, all of us have a choice—to face problems through the lessons learned in the classroom of love or the classroom of fear.


Let’s focus on guilt.  It is a negative emotion taught by fear.  To feel guilty about something is founded on the sense of “not living up” to expectations.


It promotes a feeling of lack or wanting, coupled with the underlying sense of incompleteness brought on by failure.


To feel guilty about a sin of omission or commission, whether against others or the self, is the same. You feel personally responsible for hurting someone or yourself.


Zukav says, quit it. Guilt will only deepen your problem.  It will put you in a deep, dark corner of regret and paralysis.


Fear will strengthen its hold on you. The solution: connect with the healing energies of love.


Out with the old


With the fresh start that a new year brings, let us explore the possibilities of who we can become and what we can achieve.


It is time to unload:









Try these tonics to rid your body of toxins:





Take one glass in the morning on an empty stomach. Optional: Add coconut water.



Today’s affirmation: “Perfect health is mine!”


Love and light!