Is your health in the stars?

Is it written in the stars? If properly interpreted, can an astronomical blueprint be read that is stamped by destiny from the moment we were born?


Some may consider this crazy or even blasphemous. But it doesn’t hurt to be curious about matters beyond the normal understanding of humanity.


In view of the coming lunar calendar and the Year of the Horse, for the sake of amusement and perhaps a better understanding of who we are from the standpoint of the science of astrology, here is a celestial roadmap you may find interesting.


Two impeccable sources of information provided me with the pertinent data—George Sison, life coach, and Henry Palacios.


We will find that East meets West and discover how they compare in the realm of medical astrology. The information will be interpreted in terms of a wellness prescription for life based on your sign.


Strengths, weaknesses


Every sign rules an organ in the body. This means that a particular organ is both your strength and liability.


Leo rules the heart. Interpretation: you have a strong heart that has a passion and love for life and for others. And in most situations, you will use your heart in making decisions. Literally, you follow your heart. These are your strengths.


But there is a warning: your heart may be burdened by work or stress. The message: guard your heart and ensure its health.


Rx: Exercise, manage your stress, eat heart-friendly foods rich in magnesium, and take extra supplements of magnesium, boron and calcium.


Natural sources: bananas, brown rice, avocados, spinach, oatmeal, baked potatoes, legumes/beans, yogurt, broccoli, citrus fruits/orange.


Aries/Dragon—Strengths include the head and brain area. Note: If you are a dragon but born in the sign of Leo, then you rule both the head and the heart.


For brain health: Don’t overload your mind with too much thinking. Learn to unload. Balance work and leisure time. Get enough sleep. Eat brain food such as fish/mackerel, dark chocolate, peanuts. Engage in brain-stimulating exercises.


Rx: Nutrients that help the brain are manganese, thiamin, B6, B12.  Natural sources:  canned pineapple juice, wheat bran, wheat germ, whole grains, nuts and seeds, shellfish, tea.


Taurus/Snake—The throat area rules the power of expression. While your strength is speaking, guard against straining your voice. Check your thyroid through a simple blood test. If you are hypo (lazy thyroid) or hyper (overactive),  your doctor will prescribe the necessary medication. Consider seeing an endocrinologist, look into bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.


Rx: Selenium and zinc will boost the immune system to protect you against colds and catarrh; try the herb echinacea, too.


Gemini/Horse—Look after your lungs and limbs. Stay fit and limber up. Take long, deep breaths. Yoga, taichi, qigong are exercises that involve deliberate, slow breathing. Sports that involve breath control like swimming and martial arts should be good for you.


Cancer/Sheep—Your stomach and breast area need your attention. Take probiotics (good bacteria) for digestive health. Eat foods that do not burden your stomach. Go light.  Make it a habit to take fresh ginger tea (minus the sugar). It’s good for the stomach. Breast care requires regular breast exams. See your OB-Gyn.


Virgo/Rooster—Give special attention to your solar plexus, bones and joints. Be active. Engage in sports that strengthen your bones and joints. Take calcium-rich foods: greens/broccoli, sardines with bones, orange juice, yogurt, cherries.


Rx: Calcium supplements.


Men from 25-65 years old, take 1,000 mg; women from 25-50, take 1,000 mg; for men over 65 and menopausal women, 1,500 mg daily.


Libra/Dog—Take care of your kidneys, skin and face.  It makes sense because the quality of your skin is connected to your kidney function. It is a detoxification organ. The state of your health is reflected on your skin and complexion.


Rx: Don’t be afraid to take extra dosages of vitamin C—the skin vitamin. Protect yourself against harsh UVA, UVB, UVC (ultraviolet) exposure from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Drink water, coconut water and adopt the habit of juicing fruits and vegetables. Do things to help you perspire. Get active and exercise.


Your solar plexus is the seat of courage, so if you have any fears, face them now. You will overcome. Do core training to strengthen the solar plexus area (stomach region).


Scorpio/Pig—Scorpio is the sexiest sign in the zodiac. The message here is to take care of your genital/reproductive health. While your procreative powers are strong, they also need special attention. Have regular medical checkups. Practice safe sex. Look into your hormones, especially your testosterone and estrogen levels. They can affect your metabolism and heart area.


Rx: Take a regular multivitamin mineral supplement. If you are prone to PMS (premenstrual syndrome), try evening primrose oil. Men could take L-arginine and Korean ginseng capsules to boost the libido.


Sagittarius/Rat—Focus on the hips. Guard against gaining weight and becoming heavy around the hips and thighs. Engage in hip/leg-oriented sports like belly dancing, brisk walking/jogging, running, kickboxing—these ought to slim you down.


Rx: Have regular body massages while concentrating more on circulation in the areas of concern. Eat low-carbohydrate meals as carbs tend to gather fat around the hips. Take supplements like L-carnitine to speed up metabolism.


Capricorn/Ox—The lower back and lumbar area require looking into. Try exercises involving flexibility like Pilates and yoga. See your chiropractor for regular sessions. Watch your posture. Avoid slouching. Keep your back straight and avoid straining your spine. Weight-bearing exercises in the gym can help to strengthen back muscles.


Rx: Eat nutritious meals high in calcium (for the bones) and magnesium (for the muscles and nerves).


Aquarius/Tiger—You could be like Achilles whose ankles are strong but are also a weakness. Be careful every time you walk or take the first step with caution. Look where you are going. Because the nervous system needs attention, guard against stressing over little things. You need rest. Make it a priority to relax.


Rx: Get enough sleep. Exercise that involves ankle movement like ballet and flexibility exercises will help strengthen you. Avoid noisy, distracting people and places.


Boost up on B complex to address the nervous system. Sip calming teas.


Pisces/Rabbit—Your feet are important to you. Keep them fit and flexible. Consider foot exercises. Avoid high heels. Get a foot massage regularly.  See a podiatrist if you have foot problems.


Take regular Epsom salt or sea salt foot soaks with warm water to rest your feet.


Rx: The combination of calcium-magnesium-zinc can address your health challenges, if any. Try walking barefoot to exercise your feet.





Today’s affirmation: “I am a star.”


Love and light!