How to regain your youthful profile sans surgery


Though it may be true that Asian women do not wrinkle like Caucasian women do, they still look older compared to their appearance five or several years ago. I observed women during one of our mini-reunions with high school friends and found the culprits for aging.

Foremost culprit would be skin pigmentation spots that make skin look dull and tired.  But with the numerous effective skin-brightening products in all price ranges, the problem has become easier to tackle.


The more serious problem is the sagging of the cheeks, jaw line and neck area. Dr. Jean Marquez explained that certain muscles turn lax with age and pull down certain areas of the face; this development causes the marionette lines on the sides of the lips, the frowning look of the lips, the double chin, pouchy neck and dough-y cheeks and jaw line; over all this adds a good 10-20 years to one’s look.


The cheeks slide down and overlap with the jaw contour, turning a once defined jaw line into a padded square putty, resulting in a drastically different profile.


The newest craze in Doctor Marquez’s clinic is the Nefertiti Lift, a nonsurgical procedure named after Egypt’s most beautiful queen whose profile over the centuries has been proclaimed perfect and most sought after:  light, long, swan-like neck; slight upturn of the lip corners; total absence of double chin; and defined elegant jaw line covered by supple,  flawless skin.


How is it done?  Botox injected strategically on certain areas of the face and neck in just the right amount will paralyze the muscle, creating a lift and making it an anchor for the formerly sagging skin, causing the tighter profile.


The injection concentrates on the lower part of the face to eliminate marionette lines, lift sagging jowls and sharpen the jawline.


Because it is nonsurgical it is done in a matter of minutes and as the needle is tiny the pain is very minimal.  For those sensitive to pain the needle sting can easily be numbed by an ice ball or topical anesthetic.


Every person is different.  For my personal case it was assessed that I only needed 25 shots, the minimum.



To err on the side of caution a minimal amount is administered initially so as to not overdo the Botox that causes the dreaded “lopsided or joker crazed smile” or “too slack a jaw.”


So you have to come back after a week for a follow up in case some touch-ups are necessary.

Even at no extra charge some people get annoyed at having to come back.


The patient must also observe post-Botox rules—no reclining, bowing or lying down for at least five hours after procedure or the Botox may slide to different areas causing a lopsided look.


Other downsides: Results are temporary and only last about three to four months.  The treatment does not work on the entire neck as only the upper portion nearest to the chin will be pulled up. And after the operation, one is not allowed to wash the face for eight hours.


Upsides:  If you decide you don’t like the way you look after the treatment, you only live through the slight change for three to four months. The clinic offers a 30-percent discount on Botox.  There is no recovery or downtime. You can go back to work immediately. Desired effect is seen in three to seven days and usually lasts for three to four months.


Call Skin Specialist at  3748087,  407-7210, 0917-8101319. Visit