Two home beauty remedies you should try

A lot of health enthusiasts have been buzzing over this new therapy that can be used as a detoxifier for our skin and teeth. ‘Oil pulling’ has been practiced in Ayuverdic medicine for thousands of years, and is traditionally known as a folk remedy.


It is said to potentially help with tooth pains, sinusitis (by decongesting the nose and throat), allergies, persistent skin problems, headaches, arthritis, and many more. It is also supposed to improve one’s overall dental condition.


Although there are doubts of its authenticity, oil pulling is being utilized by several individuals in local and foreign domains as a means to improve their health with several success stories circulating the web.


Oral health care


Because our mouth is a hotbed for bacteria and microorganisms from all the food that we eat, it is clear that it should be a primary concern to take care of our oral health. Besides, wouldn’t you want your breath to be fresher and your teeth whiter without the hassle of buying expensive white strips and getting costly laser whitening?


Try this instead: Place a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil (or olive oil) in your mouth, and swish it around for about 20 minutes, just like any other mouthwash, and spit. The activity centers around the bacteria that accumulates on our teeth and gums. The bacteria “stick” to the oil as it is being swished around the mouth. The oil should not be swallowed as it contains the bacteria and microorganisms from our mouth.


The 20 minutes may seem discouraging at first, but once you make a habit of oil pulling, it will become easier as you go through it every day. It is preferable that you do this in the morning on an empty stomach. You can do it while you’re showering, cleaning your room, or making your breakfast. Make sure that you do not spit the oil in the sink as it may clog the pipes.


Oil pulling is a cheap therapy because the only thing you need is the oil. The simple procedure of swishing and spitting is effectively one of the easiest detoxifying actions you can do at home.

You can opt to share this remedy with your family and friends, especially those who are suffering from any skin or mouth ailments.


If you are still a bit iffy about oil pulling, why not try it for a week, and let us know what happens. These and other oils are available at G Stuff at 3/F, Power Plant Mall.


Homemade lip scrub


With the advent of several DIYs when it comes to beauty blends, you can try this at home: creating your own lip scrub.


Lip scrubs are a rarity in local brands, but is an item that is needed with Manila’s weather. The great thing about this recipe is that it requires few ingredients and is simple to make.



After collecting all the ingredients, mix them in a bowl.


Apply to your lips. Lightly spread and scrub them over your lips to make them smooth, soft and supple. Remove the excess blend with a tissue paper. You will feel the difference instantly! The red food coloring is optional if you want your lip scrub to leave a more pinkish hue. This blend can be used anytime and anywhere, and lasts for a long time without it spoiling.


This homemade remedy can easily be done in a matter of 2 minutes. Too easy to pass up, right? You can also opt to create more, and store it in your refrigerator to reduce the hassle of mixing one every day. This lip scrub can be a good gift to your friends or family because it is easy-to-make and materials are sold at a low cost. You can opt to dress up the container of the blend, and even include a how-to to share your concoction.