Jennifer Aniston Bashes Second-Rate Airlines in New ‘Nightmare’ Ad

Jennifer Aniston Preen

Jennifer Aniston doesn’t fly coach. In her new ad with Middle Eastern airline Emirates, the actress finds herself in a nightmare: flying with a second-rate airline without showers and a bar. Good thing it was all a dream. She wakes up, in fact, flying first class with a high end airline.

The ad, bashing most US carriers, first shows Jennifer dressed in a bathrobe with a loofa in tow looking for the airplane’s non-existent shower room to prepare herself to go to the non-existent airplane bar. The flight attendants removed word mock and laugh at her before offering a hot towel and peanuts to make up for this—a service known to generic aircraft carriers.

Realizing her whole ordeal was just a nightmare, Jennifer is seen sipping a martini at the airplane’s bar in the next scene, looking fresh as if she had just showered—aboard an Emirates aircraft, of course. “I was on a plane and it was nothing like this,” she says to the bartender.

The 60-second clip was a $20 million-investment on television advertising, which also comes in a 30-second version. As of press time, the video already has almost 2.2 million views on the Emirates’ official YouTube page.

Emirates boasts having the longest flight there is: 17 hours from Panama to Dubai. The clip doesn’t say which destination the Friends star is travelling to but do know this: She tells the bartender at the end, “Is there someone that we can talk to about maybe flying this around a little bit longer?”



Photo courtesy of NineMSN