What does the lymphatic system do?

YOU ASK AND I answer.  Every time I come across a question which I cannot answer intelligently, it’s back to research for me.  So, here are several questions which require an immediate response.


Q: Why is exercise so important to good health?

More than just the physical benefits of exercise, there is also the emotional well-being that is guaranteed.  To move your body vigorously for 15-20 minutes will instantly provide the following benefits: muscle development, better blood circulation, strengthening of the heart, boosting the immune system, detoxifying the body.


Let’s focus on detoxification, one of the most important keys to optimum health.  Taking center stage in this process is the lymph system.  We always hear about the immune system, but where is it?  The lymphatic system is made up of a network of lymph nodes and vessels which is found throughout the body like the stomach, armpits, groin, legs, neck.


It is the primary site of filtration for the body which cleanses every organ of the body.  There is no escaping the lymph system.  In short, it is essential to good health.  When the lymph nodes are sore, it is a sign that there is congestion.


Thus, the need for drainage through exercise, massage and infrared sauna.  Note:  Illnesses like fibrotic cysts, allergies and cancer can be related to a lazy and congested lymph system.


Through exercise, one can keep a toned and energetic body.  So, what are you waiting for?  Start exercising today.  Start slowly and gently—go for a brisk walk daily.  Or, if you’re adventurous, buy a rebounder (trampoline) and jump  50-100 times daily.


Cleaning up


Q:  I have been loading up on the bad stuff like lots of sugar, carbs and junk food.  How can I recover from my negative habits?


Congratulations, you’ve taken the first step—awareness.  Since it is clear that you are concerned, your mind is all the more ready to take action. Suggestions:


Clean up your cupboards by removing junk food. Anything that has transfats, coloring and preservatives must be thrown out.


Analyze your fridge.  Take out leftovers (from two days ago), rancid bread, half-eaten chocolates—in short, foods that have been sitting there a long time.  Chances are, they are overrun with bacteria and fungus.


Add more whole foods to your ref, like fresh vegetables and fruits.


Buy nuts. They are a good source of protein.  When you’re tempted to eat steak, reach for almonds, cashews instead.


Make it a daily habit to drink eight to 15 glasses of water.


Try to practice prioritizing water as your beverage of choice.  When you are in a restaurant and a waiter asks you what you would like to drink, let water be at the top of the list.


Always eat two to three servings of raw food—fruits and salads daily.  This should pack in the nutrients instantly.


Think berries. If you would consider a drink, let it be sourced from berries—acai, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries.


Always have a supply of fresh ginger.  Take fresh ginger tea before meals to stimulate digestive enzymes in order to improve digestion.  Or, drink it after a full meal in order to ensure good digestion and to remove gas.


Fresh ginger tea


Grate a three-inch piece of peeled ginger, and place in a pot of boiling water.  Allow to steep for five minutes.  Strain liquid and sip the tea while it is still very warm.  Do not add sugar.  Keep it natural all the way.


Ginger warms not only the stomach but also the entire body.   So, if you are the type who is sensitive to drafts and cold temperatures, consider taking ginger tea daily.  It will speed up your metabolism and will help you burn fat faster.


Q: It is a tedious task to conserve several vitamin/mineral pills in one day.  I am just not the type.  What is the alternative solution?


Honestly, if you eat balanced, enzyme-rich meals daily, there may not be a need to take six to 10 vitamin tablets daily.  There are supplements that contain all the nutrients you need in one capsule.  But if you believe in boosting your body with extra dosages of vitamin C, then do so.


Vitamin C has proven to be one of the most indispensable of vitamins, which increases your resistance to illness.  Whenever possible, juice up on the citrus fruits and leafy greens.  If you take your juice in the mornings, it will fill your body with the right food to jump-start your day.  Eat well, but eat right.


Q: My complexion became dry over the years.  I am a homemaker in her 40s.  What do you recommend?


If you wish to address the issue seriously, go to an endocrinologist. Through a simple blood test, your hormone profile will be determined.  It is a decline in essential hormones like estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and cortisol that contribute to general breakdown of our inner systems, like lubricating the skin, for example, or improving your libido.


Once you are placed on BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy), your skin will become supple.  This is only one of the visible benefits.


Supplement with omega-3 capsules, flaxseed oil or moringa oil.


Hydrating facial


Mix four drops of extra virgin coconut oil and two drops of vitamin E (from oil-based vitamin E capsules).  Before bedtime, place a fine film over your face, eyes, throat, elbows and feet. Wake up looking younger.




Affirmation: “I am as young as I feel.”


Love and light!