Time to get rid of cellulite and dark underarms

SHAMCEY Supsup goes to Marie France for her RevLite treatment to make sure she’s always flawless and gorgeous.

The heat is literally on, with the dry months just around the corner. Many of us are preparing for trips to the beach and other destinations.


If you’re still carrying excess Christmas weight, now is the time to start shedding it.


Dieting may be effective only if you adopt a healthy lifestyle that your body can take. Counting calories in your food intake as well as actually eating in moderation seem to be the option that works for everyone.


Beyoncé’s body is the result of adapting to a vegan lifestyle. While this might be too drastic for some, look into yourself and understand what you can and can’t live without.


Growing up, I remember my mom constantly nagging me to drink lots of water. Now that I’m older, I see and understand the wisdom in her nagging. Drinking water helps clear your skin and remove toxins. So, junk your favorite diet soda for a bottle of water. You won’t regret it.




Summer is that time of year when we dread seeing the dimpled lumps on our thighs. While we all aspire to have smooth skin, we need to work out to achieve it. Cellulite, I believe, is genetically inherited. But what makes it worse is lack of exercise and a bad diet.


But no matter how religious and dedicated some people are in getting rid of it, cellulite seems to stick like glue.


However, this does not mean that it’s impossible to eliminate. There are a number of cellulite creams in the market that promise immediate results.


My favorite is Body Lift Cellulite Control by Clarins. If the problem still persists, cellulite treatments might be an option.


MARIE France’s Endermologie treatment removes cellulite on thighs.

Marie France’s Endermologie treatment is a patented slimming technology that is scientifically proven to be effective in providing some benefits, such as elimination of stubborn fat, firming of loose skin, intense cellulite smoothening and maximum body resculpting. Results are guaranteed within six sessions, with a noticeable change from the first session onward.


For more inquiries on Marie France, call 8942639.


Total skin rejuvenation


On the beach, skimpy bikinis and sexy tank tops will bare your underarms. But the use of strong deodorants and razor for shaving hair can darken your armpits. I’ve heard that applying some lemon juice on the affected area will help lighten the skin; however the results can be insignificant, especially if the problem is quite major.


Facial Care’s RevLite is said to be a good solution. It is a noninvasive treatment that has been dubbed the total rejuvenation for skin. RevLite works toward an even complexion by lightening dark spots, while improving skin texture such as rough chicken skin, a common concern that stems from the abuse of razors for shaving.


RevLite aims to achieve radiant skin that will put an end to skin discoloration.


For more inquiries on Facial Care, call 8927546.