Look at other tourism campaigns DOT allegedly copies over the years

“Experience the Philippines” is officially the new tourism slogan. The Department of Tourism showcased its latest motto that practically defines how we’re meant to be seen by the rest of the world. In the commercial, a blind Japanese tourist who’s retired in the Philippines goes through a number of experiences where he exudes the slogan completely.

And here is South Africa’s tourism campaign commercial from last year. Take note of the kicker at the end.

Our last campaign, which proved successful, “It’s more fun in the Philippines,” was also embroiled in criticism as it was accused of copying Switzerland’s tourism campaign in 1951.

DOT slogan, tourism slogan, nolisoliphAnd this was Switzerland’s five decades ago:

Then in 2010, the DOT faced mounting criticism for its slogan, “Pilipinas Kay Ganda” whose logo bore striking similarities to the tourism logo of Poland’s.

Here was Poland’s logo…

Despite the DOT never actually admitting any instances of actually copying other countries’ campaigns, it’s pretty blatant that the people behind our tourism can’t come up with anything original to promote the Philippines.

Read more:

Have you seen the Philippines’ tourism slogan?

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