Stuffed green bell peppers

STUFFED Green Bell Peppers

First, an apology. Due to a computer glitch, a few lines got inadvertently omitted from the procedure for cooking the chasu in last week’s DIY column (March 6, “Shoyu Ramen,” page C3).


Please note: To make the chasu: After browning the liempo in the cooking oil, transfer the meat to a large cooking pot and add enough water to cover. Bring to a boil then let the liempo simmer for an hour. Transfer the liempo to the shoyu soup base and let stand for another hour.


For the complete instructions on making the shoyu soup base and the chasu, you can log on to


After the rather complex DIY recipes for the ramen and shoyu soup base which we featured the past two weeks, here’s a simpler recipe which you can prepare for dinner: stuffed green bell peppers.


This is a handy staple to have in your kitchen. The ingredients are readily available and, since the meat is stuffed into the green bell peppers, you already have both meat and vegetables in one dish.


I personally rely on this recipe whenever I can’t think of anything else to cook for dinner. Serve this with hot cooked rice and with ketchup, if desired.


Stuffed Green Bell Peppers



Slice about one inch off the top of the green bell peppers.  Remove all the seeds that may be inside the peppers. Arrange the peppers in a large cooking pot and add enough water to cover and the one tablespoon salt. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer. Simmer for about 5 minutes or until the peppers become slightly tender (but not too soft). Remove the peppers from the pot and set aside.


Preheat oven to 375ºF (190ºC). Heat the cooking oil in a large skillet and sauté the onions until soft. Add the garlic and sauté until fragrant, about one minute. Add the ground sirloin and season to taste with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring the meat around the pan until it turns brown.


Stir in the tomato sauce and simmer until the meat absorbs most of the sauce.


Spoon the meat into the prepared bell peppers, distributing evenly. Combine the melted butter and bread crumbs and sprinkle enough of the mixture on top of each stuffed bell pepper so that the tops are completely covered with the butter-bread crumb mixture.


Arrange the stuffed peppers in a heat-proof dish and bake in the preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes or until the tops turn golden brown. Makes four to five servings.


For more tips, recipes and stories, visit the author’s blog www.norma and Facebook fan page Follow on Twitter @NormaChikiamco


Cook’s tips:


You can also cook this in a turbo broiler. Put the stuffed bell peppers in a baking dish that can fit inside the turbo broiler. Cook at 190ºC (375ºF) for 15-20 minutes or until the tops turn golden brown.


If desired, you can add raisins. Add the raisins to the skillet after browning the meat (just before you pour in the tomato sauce).


Do not overstuff the peppers so they don’t tear or become too heavy.


An appropriate side dish to serve with this is achara, or pickled papaya.