A wellness checklist

What can we do in order to look younger and feel better? Are there age erasers we can all follow to ensure that our youthfulness is maintained, or if lost, regained?


What is the true water from the fountain of youth? Is it found in a magic pill, or is it a place of serenity like Shangu or Shambala? Let’s take a closer look at the wellness landscape.


Health experts, whether doctors of medicine or naturopaths, agree that it’s never too late to get your act together.


The human body, much like a perfect machine, has been built to last. While it is understood that there is always a beginning and an end to everything, it is important to realize that machines break down due to wear and tear.


Thus, it is vital to know that lifestyle plays a significant role in one’s lifetime warranty.


Barring defects in one’s genetic makeup, how we choose to live our lives today will shape one’s future health profile.


So, just like planting a seed, the promise of a sturdy tree is fulfilled.


Here are the non-negotiables we need to keep in mind.


Lifestyle—It’s what we do each day, and most often it’s the little things that add up to good or bad results.


One has only 24 hours a day—eight hours of sleep, 16 hours of wakefulness. What do we do in those 16 hours that can add or deduct from our health profile?


The food pyramid


Here is a suggested checklist.


Nutrition—Eat healthy meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Don’t skip breakfast; follow the food pyramid guide:



Exercise—Basically, any repeated movement done over a period of 15-20 minutes will do. Whether it’s brisk-walking, climbing up and down the stairs, or dancing, these qualify as legitimate exercise.


Engage in any form of exercise you truly enjoy, because if you don’t derive pleasure from exercising, then it will seem like punishment.


Do you know that exercise is one of the pillars of anti-aging? The more you exercise, the greater the amount of endorphins/feel-good hormones released by the brain, and hormonal balance is another pillar to safeguard.


Hormonal balance—It is best to seek advice from your doctor, who will refer you to an endocrinologist. Through a simple blood test, your levels of thyroid hormones, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, HGH, DHEA, can be determined.


Through plant-based bioidentical hormones, one can find relief from hot flashes, heart palpitations, mood swings, weight gain and weight loss,  exhaustion, and loss of libido.


Hydration—While most people rely on thirst signals as a reminder to drink water, this internal alarm system is basically saying, “You are dehydrated.” So, to play it safe, don’t wait for the alarm to go off (as in dryness in the mouth and a shallow cough). Just make it a habit to drink one full glass of water every waking hour.


Sleep—What is the one thing you could do, free of charge that could immediately boost your energy level and refresh your look? The answer is sleep. Its benefits are numerous. In general, sleep directly affects energy, attitude and appearance. A good night’s sleep gives the body much-needed repair time. It is during sleep that the body releases the greatest supply of growth hormones.


This anti-aging hormone has a big job: the repair of damaged tissues during sleep time. Insomniacs, take note! Sleep deprivation can lead to disorientation and a weak immune system. Also, afternoon naps may worsen your insomnia.


Happy hour—This is definitely connected to sleep. There is a reason why the hours are 6-8 p.m. Alcohol, whether it knocks you out or makes you hyper, affects the pattern of good sleep. So, if you have to take your favorite cocktail, don’t do it close to bedtime.


Sugar control—Doctors worldwide agree that one of the greatest enemies of good health is sugar. A little sweetness in our diets is tolerable but when you overdo the sugar, the immune system weakens.


Besides, every spoonful of sugar needs to be burned if you don’t want it to turn to fat. On a diet? Limit the sugar. Excessive sugar consumption leads to weight gain.


Today’s affirmation: “The impossible is possible.”

Love and light!



E-mail the author at coryquirino1@yahoo.com.