Don’t hide Easter eggs, show them off

For those with family and friends they want to impress—and who doesn’t?—here’s an idea for Easter.

Instead of hiding the eggs, show them off on your table. Transform boiled eggs into whimsical creatures that will elicit giggles and laughs at the table.


Here’s what you’ll need:


Boiled eggs

Pins with heads for the eyes

WITH a little creativity, one may transform eggs into whimsical creatures.

Small silk flowers for the hat/hair

Moss for hair and nest

Small piece of grosgrain ribbon

Pin fastener for the beak

Colored recycled paper


Thin tipped marker

White glue

Super glue

Egg cup or anything that will hold the egg upright

Kid’s clay, optional


1. Set your egg upright in a temporary holder or on the actual cup it will be presented in. Secure bottom with kid’s clay if you are leaving the base bare.

2. To decorate the base, as shown, fill the cup with moss. Spread white glue and place the egg gently on top and wait till it sets.

3. Start by marking the position of the eyes and mouth. Press in pins for the eyes and the pin fastener for the beak.

4. Draw a pattern for wings and ears on recycled paper and cut them out. Glue sides for ears or on top of egg, as shown in second photo.

5. For hair or hat options, place a small amount of white glue on the top of the egg and position silk flowers on top

6. Cut a small piece of grosgrain ribbon to fit around the bottom of the egg, giving it a more finished look.