Why Didn’t We Notice Alden Richards Sooner?

Today, Alden Richards can make panties drop with a pa-bebe wave. Make him smile and sing live, and his faithful fans will gladly offer their wombs to bear his child.
Back in 2011, things were quite different. We didn’t know what to do with Alden. Even GMA, his home network, seemed clueless.
First, he had to play a crippled teen. When that didn’t pull enough fangirl heartstrings (I mean, how could they think it ever would?), he had to take another route to fame: Act with other rising stars in a high school film that didn’t suit this 19-year-old any longer.  Then there were weekly hip-hop dances and his own sob story. He was later paired with the Marian Rivera. Too bad that goatee just didn’t fly.
But Eat Bulaga and Yayadub saved him. Turns out Alden didn’t need to be that hunky. His dimples now made ovaries explode faster than male abs can. The real question now is: What took us so long to notice?
Let’s figure out why that is. (And while we’re at it, hold on to your panties to keep them from falling.)
Click through the slideshow above and see Alden’s evolution of hotness through the years!
Art by Dorothy Guya