Keeping your pets fit and safe this summer

MANILA, Philippines – Although summer brings fun to many people, it might not be the case for your beloved pets.

“Summer is the best season to enjoy the outdoors, many fun-filled activities and especially the heat and one thing that could add to that enjoyment is the company of your favorite furry pets,” said Clarice Abacan of  Strategic Edge Inc.

But she warned that the searing summer heat could cause many health risks and discomforts to pets,  among them are the following:

*sun burn


*excessive panting





*40-degree body temperature

According to Abacan, pets are prone to these risks this summer, especially if pet owners are planning to go on out-of-town trips.

She advised pet owners to take preventive measures.

Meanwhile, Pet Food Institute (PFI) said that at barbecue parties make sure to watch out for the poisonous human food and drinks that pets can consume. If you’re out for a day on the beach or the pool, don’t leave your pet unsupervised. Lastly, to ensure that your pet is ready and healthy for hours of summer fun, pay a visit to your veterinarian.

Pet Food Institute and partner organization Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP) have launched the Well-Fed, Well-Nurtured campaign to help prevent the risks of the summer heat to our favorite furry pets through proper nourishment and pet care.

PFI is committed in engaging Filipino pet owners to take good care of their pets by providing them the nutrients they need to sustain their health and the care they need to feel loved and secured.

Pet Food Institute also provides pet food that contains the right nutrition needed by your pets and prolongs their healthy lives. It consists of well-researched ingredients which are needed to sustain your pets’ nutritional needs.

With proper care and balanced food nutrition proposed by their campaign, Pet Food Institute ensures your pet will be healthy and protected this summer. – Jean Kyle Kelly, OJT