Your Tintin shop wishlist

Super’s top picks to get you started on building your Tintin shrine at home.


Snowy plushies


Snowy ranks as the third most favorite character, right behind Captain Haddock. The shop has Snowy dolls in different sizes. We recommend the plush keychain, which makes a barking sound (not “Wooah, wooah”) when you press its tummy. A warning though, real dogs hate the barking sound and will want to attack tiny, barking Snowy.


Our first Snowy was turned into a chew toy by our dog, and a hotel dog tried to swallow it when he heard it barking.


Cover art postcards


The shop carries posters of the book covers, in French and English. If you can’t choose among the 24 covers, we recommend getting the postcards and putting those in one big frame instead.


Series figurines


Relive your favorite scenes from the books with awesomely detailed figurines.




Show your love for Tintin by wearing his face on your body.




These cute band-aids are packaged in an equally cute tin. You can also use them as stickers, too.


The books


Every Tintin fan has a favorite story. Daez says the most popular book, according to Moulinsart’s survey, is “The Castafiore Emerald.” Special editions of the books are available, like hardcover copies featuring Tintin in its original black and white form, as well as  boxed sets.


Eco bags


The eco bags with Tintin and Snowy printed on them are so cute you’ll want to get them in every color.