Clean your mattress naturally

BAKING soda in a bowl

The hot and dry summer has come and gone to make way for more rainy days and overcast skies. Before the dust settles and mixes with dampness in the air, it’s always a good idea to clean our mattresses and cushions to avoid potential breeding grounds for mites and other mysterious, harmful insects and bacteria.

Simple vacuuming may only do half the trick. Baking soda has natural cleansing properties that may help in this process to draw out dirt and what may already be lurking in your personal foam or latex items.

You’ll need:

Baking soda

Essential oil

Sifter (used for baking and cooking)



Mix a cup of baking soda and two to three drops of essential oil together.

Using a sifter, sift the mixture onto your mattress or pillow as evenly as possible, not missing a spot.

Leave for 10 minutes to allow the mixture to properly seep in and work to its full potential.

Vacuum thoroughly.


The essential oils release their fragrance every time you use your mattress and pillows.


TWO bottles of essential oils

Suggested essential oils to use:


Eucalyptus – It’s antibacterial and antifungal, stimulating and refreshing, promotes circulation and repels insects.


Lavender – Popular for its calming and relaxing effects, this essential oil can also relive migraines, insomnia and stress.


Orange blossom – Also known as neroli, it has powerful healing effects. It helps to promote creativity, regenerates skin cells and increases blood circulation


Sandalwood – This is a powerful fighter of bad bacteria, also promotes relaxation and helps relieve insomnia.