Blessings in disguise








Your mantra for the week:
“My goals are accomplished easily and effortlessly.”

LISTEN to these reassuring words. Believe in them, especially during troubling times.

My beloved child, how often have you reacted negatively to changes in your life, forgetting that without change, there can be no progress? Progress means moving toward betterment. Yet, you forget this. Thus, when challenges appear in your life, you ask, “Why? Why this problem? Why this challenge?”

These challenges, these so-called problems, are merely doors to change. Do not be afraid of change.

If a caterpillar were afraid of change, it would never turn into a butterfly. Such is your nature, my child. Whatever challenges you may be facing, know that they will only lead to newer, more interesting experiences for you. No matter how negative they may seem at the moment, know that change means you are moving forward.

Sometimes, you may not understand why this road must be traveled, why things must go this or that way. But then, when you trust the One Power in the Universe, you begin to discover the blessings in disguise.

When your physical body needs healing, know that a physical “dis-ease” is the last stage of the process of releasing that which is desiring to leave your body, a mental-emotional state that is wanting to move out. Trust, affirm and pray that it will move out of your life easily and direct you to people, events and circumstances that can help you in your healing.

This principle also holds true for your finances. A problem is an indication that change is occurring, that change is a door to progress; and progress means moving toward betterment. And so, accept the challenges in your life with serenity, with peace, knowing that it will be a change for the best, though you may not see it at the moment. Like seeds planted on the ground, your good is about to come forth.

Even your relationships go through many changes. When you accept these changes with the view that all things will work out together for the good of all concerned, greater understanding unfolds. When your heart is willing to forgive, all these changes bring forth so much good.

There are people in your life whom you have to allow to move on. Bless them and thank them for having touched your life. There are those who may have hurt you, but then you have grown from your experiences with them. You have grown in your capacity to understand, forgive and love.

Accept the challenges in your life happily. Know that the Universe is opening new doors for you—greater and better things for a more fulfilling life. “Behold, I have made all things new.”

In My Kingdom, there are many mansions, and you will discover all of them as you go through life. You will know how rich My Kingdom is, and it is all for you.

Welcome back, Nedy

What a wonderful reunion it was after four months of a “sabbatical” taken by Rustan’s and Store Specialists Inc. CEO Nedy Tantoco. For a warm welcome, The Peninsula general manager Sonja Vodusek-Vecchio hosted a birthday dinner for Nedy at the hotel’s presidential suite.

As requested by Nedy herself, the invitees were limited to the barkada composed of 22 people—10 from the original gang that started in the 1980s to the 12 additional recruits that were gathered through the years.

To our surprise, Tony Vecchio was at the hotel’s front door to greet each guest who was then escorted to the 11th floor, the dressed-to-the-nines penthouse suite.

Upon entering, we were offered exotic juices and/or champagne. The pass-around nibbles were truly unusual—imagine caviar on top of melted mozzarella cheese served on a silver spoon. It was truly delightful to be with the barkada after a long while. No formalities, no small talk, just picking-up where we left off.

From the appetizers to the finale birthday cake, everything was a treat even for people who are used to dinners fit-for-royalty.

It was a preview of what to expect when the new Old Manila reopens.

Nedy’s closest friend, DJ Lopez, was a bit restrained that evening while still recovering from a slip of the foot which normally is just slip of the tongue.

Also in attendance were Irene and Randy Francisco, who were part of the original gang of 10; Mario Katigbak, Mel Meer and Peter Jentes, who insisted he was one of the barkada and would not accept anything less; and of course, the young newcomers, the good-looking couple Kevin and Michelle Tan.

After dinner, Ana Tirol, accompanied by Cultural Center of the Philippines president Raul Sunico, rendered three beautiful songs for Nedy.

This was followed by Raul’s rendition of Franz Liszt’s “Liebestraum,” “Sa Dulo Ng Walang Hanggan,” and a medley from “My Fair Lady” which were truly outstanding. Raul just came back from a two-week solo concert in the United States.

Meanwhile, Nestor Jardin announced that Cinemalaya 2014 opened last Friday and would run for 10 days. He invited everyone to come and watch as many movies in the festival as they can, because he says this batch of works are exceptional and are potential international awardees. Patrick Jacinto promised to do so.

Nedy thanked everyone for taking time to be with her. She said she truly missed the barkada that gave her so much joy, a gift that money cannot buy.

Biggest surprise

Sisters Jane Sy and Yen Guevarra opened their first jewelry shop Lanero at the 3rd floor of Glorietta 4 last week. They showed off many unique and exquisite designs, which good friend Duday Tuason delightfully savored by modeling what I would call a floral diamond glove bracelet covering the whole top of her hand. The piece was the talk of the evening.

Jane and Yen’s mother, Angelina Rodrigo, started in the jewelry business some 30 years ago but never put up a shop. This opening was a total surprise for her. Her daughters told her that they were bringing her along for shopping, but she had to go to the parlor and get dressed.

She was a bit irritated about having to do so just to go shopping, but did it anyway. She got the biggest surprise of her life when she saw that it was the opening of a jewelry store put up by her daughters. Everything went well for Yen and Jane. Congratulations are in order.

That evening, I ran into interior designer Miguel Rosales and his charming mother Carmelita, together with Nina Santamaria, who were busily admiring an array of brilliants on display.

Also, I had an interesting conversation on varied subjects with another Rodrigo sister, Annie, who approached me and asked whether I was George Sison because she was an avid listener of “Positive Session” on radio station DWIZ. Unlike her sisters who are into jewelry, she is a garment manufacturer and happily single but formerly married for 30 years.

She was then known as Annie Jao, and, pardon the pun, Annie Jao you look at it, I really like her. But it’s really more pun in the Philippines. Somebody please stop me because in the August month of ghosts, anything ghosts.

Keep smiling and don’t stop, it does bring a lot of BLESSINGS.