Guardians or unwanted guests?

Many seemingly strange things that happen may be due to natural causes, and we need not conclude that they are caused by evil spirits.


However, if such unusual incidents show some pattern, it’s time to call in the “ghostbusters.”


Here’s a letter I received from reader Mila (not her real name), who has been encountering unexplainable occurrences in her house.


“I have long wanted to contact somebody who can help me understand things I can’t explain.


“Ever since we moved into our new house, we cannot seem to progress. Sometimes we think the reason we are not getting any luck is because every time we have extra money, one of us will get sick for no reason. And so we need to spend money for medicines and doctor’s fees.


“Even if everything is perfectly normal, all of a sudden sickness seems to always find a way to us.


“If not sickness, things would suddenly get broken. Before, we heard the banging of door cabinets in the middle of the afternoon.


“There are parts of our house where I would feel sudden coldness on one side of my body, my hair standing up, and this could last for hours.


“A manghihilot who came to our house said we have a guardian protecting us. Protecting us from what?


“I would like to get some answers. I know you are a busy person but I hope you will find time for an ordinary person seeking answers and who wants to be free from all these worries.”




Dear Mila,


It is quite obvious that based on the occurrences you have been experiencing in your house, there are invisible forces or entities there.


From all appearances, they look like the work of discarnate or earth-bound spirits of the dead, although I cannot rule out the presence of other invisible entities like elementals or nature spirits.


The presence of negative spirits in a house or office can bring about all those effects you mentioned, like people getting sick all of a sudden for no apparent physical or medical cause, wealth or business going down or difficulty recovering from financial loss, people becoming quarrelsome or disharmonious, poltergeist (or noisy ghost) manifestations like knocking on doors or things being broken for no physical reason.


The feeling of sudden chill, hair standing up, are sure signs of the presence of spirits.


The side of your body where you feel the coldness is where they are. The fact that this feeling can last hours means that the spirits are not merely passing by, but may have been there for a long time.


Ask about the history of the house from the owners or previous occupants. But even if the house is new and you are the first occupants, it does not mean that there are no spirits.


Those spirits could have been there even before you built your house, or may have been brought there, or were attracted by somebody in your household.


Consult a good psychic


A good spirit will not do those things you mentioned. I beg to disagree with the manghihilot that these are guardians.


They are more likely spirits of the dead with unfinished business on earth, or they may have an important message to convey.


I suggest you consult a good psychic with clairvoyant abilities or one who can really see and talk to spirits. Not all psychics can do this.


You have to check carefully the background of anybody you consult on this matter.


But please do this as soon as possible before the situation gets worse, and before any of you gets possessed or falls seriously ill.


I hope this answers your questions.




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