How to age gracefully through diet and lifestyle changes

JUICING is a trend that started a few years back, with a promise of good health and well-being.

There are women who wish to look 20 when they reach 50. But there’s nothing more refreshing than somebody who’s secure enough to embrace her true age and the wisdom that comes with it.


Aging gracefully is greatly dependent on factors like genetics which we have no control of. But you can do something about your lifestyle, diet and outlook in life which greatly affect your well-being.


Keeping the mind and body in good health means taking great care of the way you live. Stop smoking, drink moderately and avoid stressful situations.


A lot of people are starting to incorporate juicing into their diet due to the great benefits that can be reaped from this habit. Juicing is a trend that started a few years back, with a promise of good health and well-being.


Juju Cleanse


Juicing enables you to consume the required amount of fruits and vegetables daily with ease. But keep in mind that you must limit the fruits and focus more on vegetables. Fruits contain lots of fructose which is bad for the body when taken in high doses.


If you don’t have a juicer, you can try out Juju Cleanse, a juice diet program. You can also use a blender and strain out the pulp using a cheesecloth.


Caveman’s diet


The Paleo diet has taken Manila by storm—with lots of people trying it out and liking the results via its door-to-door meal plan service called Paleo Manila.


Paleo diet is based on the concept of following a caveman’s diet. That means meat, fish, nuts, leafy vegetables and seeds.


Processed food, sugar and canned goods are forbidden.


I know a guy who lost 10 lbs in two weeks on Paleo Manila. The idea is rational, and the idea of not starving while on a diet sounds fantastic.


For me, it’s the detoxification from sugar and processed food that makes the approach very appealing.




It sounds easy but it’s actually very hard to do. We must make it a point to drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water every day.


Water flushes out toxins. Make it a habit to drink water in lieu of soda drinks and sugary juices.


Water is the cheapest, safest and healthiest anti-aging tool and helps keep skin hydrated and moisturized.


If you find it hard to drink water, do it for vanity’s sake. In the end, it will all be worth it.


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