What not to wear for your ice bucket challenge moment

We’ve seen people fully dressed—and in various states of undress—do the ice bucket challenge. And what you wear for your drenching video isn’t all that important, what matters more is that you’re doing the challenge for the right reasons—to spread awareness about the debilitating disease that is ALS and to raise funds for research.


But we wouldn’t want your ice bucket experience to be ruined by a wardrobe malfunction either.

Here are a few ideas of what you can wear (and what you shouldn’t) for your ice bucket moment.


Skip the white top, especially if it’s tight. White shirt plus water equals wet T-shirt contest.


Don’t forget your bra. There are already too many nipple-centric ice bucket video compilations making rounds online.


Make sure your bikini is heavy-duty. If you want to wear a two-piece when you complete the challenge, go ahead. But make sure your top can stay on even after being hit by a bucket full of water.


No to wetsuits and helmets. That’s just cheating.


And here’s an idea—why not wear yesterday’s clothes? Make the ice bucket challenge the first step of your laundry session and maybe give that wasted water a little purpose.

Fashion hall