Your mantra for the week:
“As I expect the best, I always get the best.”
Whenever you awaken to your divinity, you become aware of who you really are. There is a shift from your so-called human nature to your God nature. And when there is this shift, it is called a resurrection.
Pause for a moment and realize that today is a moment of your resurrection. For now you become one in thought and feeling with God that is within you. You become aware of your divinity, and as a result, you shift your focus to the Christ (the anointed) or the Buddha (the enlightened) that is within you.
Your awakening to this divinity is your resurrection. It is what has lived within you at all times and has been with you since time immemorial.
This moment of your realization is when you feel your oneness with all things. It is all one. It is all God. Jonathan Livingston Seagull became aware of his divinity and, therefore, was able to soar, although he did not look different when his capacity to make use of his total potential became manifest.
You are the very essence of all that God is. You are able to resurrect yourself from “dis-ease” to wholeness, from any form of lack to abundance, from frustration to elation, from disharmony to harmony all around.
Furthermore, you are able to resurrect yourself from repression to expression, from disappointment to entitlement, from ill-will to goodwill, from unforgiveness to forgiveness, from failure to supreme success.
The scriptures say, “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven within, all else shall be added unto you.” For when you have found that Kingdom, you will discover your own Godhood and in discovering this Godhood, you will realize the power you have, and through your thoughts and feelings, you connect with that Godhood and you become the anointed and enlightened.
You will raise yourself from all that is negative in your life to all that is positive and wonderful and you shall always be divinely directed and governed. That still, small voice shall always be heard even in the midst of noise, chaos and all challenges.
Today is the day of your resurrection for you have awakened to your true self. You have awakened to that power that has always been there for you, to that power that will allow you to soar and express your highest potential. And then you will understand what the Bible says, “Ye are Gods.”
Golden lives
In a world of morals and traditions that is fast changing, and within a family whose members are unconventional, it is something of a miracle to celebrate 50 years of married bliss. My brother Louie and his wife Triccie renewed their vows last Thursday at Santuario de San Antonio, Forbes Park.
Nobody believes me when I tell people that Louie is the only man I know who has been faithful to his wife for 50 years. But it’s true. My father could not accept he could have such a son and even tried to test him several times, but failed miserably.
You’re probably wondering why a father would do such a thing. He just couldn’t believe that one such as this could come from his DNA, forgetting that my mother had contributed hers.
Our family was so “unusual” that friends often teased us and called us the original Addams family, with the exception of my mother who was the most “normal.” But she went steady with my father at age 11, and often wondered how she had given birth to all seven of us.
Yet it is, indeed, refreshing to have someone in the family like Louie who is so traditional. It is a reminder that we have retained some of the old ways, old fashioned but nice and calming.
It was a family affair last Thursday and it was also the birthday of our late brother Bobby, who was the best-looking (this I say with a smile, and with great hesitation) and gentlest soul among us.
Louie’s children came in full force, three daughters and a son: Trisha, Camille, Monique and architect Luigi with their respective mates—businessman Tedted Punsalan, Rep. Edmund Reyes, bank executive Marty Sarmiento and daughter-in-law Kathy Limjoco.
We sympathize with them for having chosen partners in life who have the Sison DNA. Don’t get me wrong, this type of DNA brings the greatest sense of humor and a kind of loving like no other. Louie and Triccie, with their whole caboodle including all grandchildren, flew to Bali to celebrate their lives of gold. My love goes to all of them.
Transforming experience
The beauteous DJ Lopez and the popular photographer Rupert Jacinto celebrated their birthdays Aug. 23 but separately.
DJ was honored at a dinner by best friend Nedy Tantoco at Donosti, as per my suggestion, for its consistently excellent Spanish cuisine courtesy of chef Pablo Lopez.
Guests included friends like The Peninsula Manila GM Sonja Vodusek-Vecchio and her loving Tony; best-selling author Miguel de Leon, who shared his parents Joe Vincent and Marybeth’s transforming experience through the stem cell procedure which was done in Dubai, and cost them a fortune, of course.
For those who do not want to go abroad for stem cell treatment, there are two licensed doctors here: Almond Derla and Christian Mancao, who work as a team and perform the same procedure excellently. The legendary Minda Feliciano’s long-time knee problem was healed through this process. Anna Sia and Miss World franchise holder Cory Quirino swear by them.
Also at the dinner was Mario Katigbak, who has sent out invitations to two Hermés events, and Mel Meer, who has just bought himself the largest white car possible.
Rupert celebrated his natal day by inviting friends to his latest photographic innovation—silkscreen portraits reminiscent of the Andy Warhol visuals.
At first he was planning to show these pieces in his new apartment at One Salcedo, but then had to move it to the function room on the 7th floor of the same building due to his many friends and admirers who wanted to view the works.
His portraits of Tina Jacinto and Imelda Marcos were truly outstanding.
Many attractive ladies were in attendance like Elaine Villar, Victoria Vasquez, Jeanne Romulo, Rissa Hidalgo, Tina’s sister, with Gigi Piit, who owns the Rieseling Resort in Boracay.
Annie Tangco of Bizu prepared special canapés and Tita Trillo kept the champagne and spirits flowing unceasingly.
DJ and Rupert always get the best.