Lose weight without the misery

At the rate that life moves, everything seems to be in “to-go” mode. Here are some insights.


The beginning of all endeavors is wanting something. Marichu, a widowed socialite in her 50s, lives a privileged life, having been born with the proverbial silver spoon in her mouth.


Despite her wealth, she suffered from low self-esteem.


One morning she decided she needed to shed 10 lbs, so she enrolled in an extreme weight-loss program that radically altered her eating habits.


She was so happy with the results each time she stepped on the weighing scale.


But as soon as she stepped down, her mood plummeted as well.


It was excruciating for her to attend social functions and not partake of the food. She stood out among dinner guests as the one with the most miserable look on her face.


While others relished their pastas and roasted meats, she was tied to her prepared diet meal of raw salads and fruits.


The question is: Was it worth it? While Marichu’s intention to diet was good, was she compromising her joy of life?


There is a way to lose weight without the misery. All one needs is a firm resolve to go natural.


Rule No. 1: It is unnatural to deprive oneself of the pleasure of eating. Most radical diets are based on the principle of deprivation. And this state of restricting calories can also constrict one’s sense of joy.


The solution: Practice moderation.


Rule No. 2: Go raw. As much as you can, eat salads and vegetables. If raw food doesn’t appeal to you, then make your own juice concoction.


Here are my favorites:


Kidney Cleanse


1 c fresh coconut water (optional: add 2 tbsp of fresh coco meat)

2 leaves of lemongrass

1 green apple

1 slice of ginger

Optional: ¼ tsp wild honey or coco sap (coco honey)


Run all ingredients through a juicer or blender. If you want the fiber, no need to strain.


Liver Lift


Everything begins and ends with the liver. It requires detoxification.


2 sugar beets

1 carrot

1 green apple (optional)

1 singkamas


Blend or juice. Drink up.


Eating raw (uncooked) food in the morning guarantees your body the energy it needs to jump-start your day while providing food that is highly nutritious but low in fat.


If you tweak your breakfast by removing cooked food, you can lose half a pound a day or 3.5 lbs a week.


Light dinners—You can have lunch as the heaviest meal of the day. But go light at dinnertime—salad or sautéed vegetables, fish or lean chicken (no beef or pork).


Exercise—Engage in a cardiovascular activity for 30 minutes daily. Or go on the treadmill for 20 minutes daily.


Healthy snacking—Instead of greasy food, opt for something healthier. If you are a snacker, have vegetable chips or fresh fruit slices on hand. The less fatty food you eat, the better.


Water therapy—This bears repeating—two glasses of clean water one hour before meals will reduce your appetite. If you are perennially hungry, drink first before you eat.


Fiber up—Take any fibrous fruit/veggie like apple or turnip (singkamas) that is high in water and fiber. This is sure to fill up your tummy. When you load on fiber, the tendency is to eat less.


Enzymes—Over time, the body produces less digestive enzymes. Consider supplementing with pancreatin, amylase, bromelain, cellulose, lactase, lipase, papain, pepsin, chymotrypsin and trypsin.


The more efficient your digestion, the better the extraction of good calories from the food you eat. But of course, this begins with healthy eating.


Think happy—If you think of happy thoughts, you will become happy. Approaching life and all its challenges with a sense of hope will make life easier.


This week’s affirmation: “Happy is my middle name!”


Love and light!



E-mail the author at coryquirino1@yahoo.com