Reincarnation, suicide and the afterlife

Here are interesting questions from reader Cherry about reincarnation, suicide and afterlife.


“In the wake of Robin Williams’ passing, which my mind is full of right now, I would like to share with you some points hoping you can also share with us your point of view.


“First, reincarnation leads us to believe that our lives are predestined or of our own choosing before our spirits enter the body.


“So a suicide, although a corrupt idea, can also be interpreted as an acceptable form of liberation from one’s demons, and may encourage others to take their own lives.


“Second, some of what I read in your columns and from other Internet sites tell of seances where a spirit of a suicide victim reveals a hellish afterlife, much like in Mr. Williams’ movie ‘What Dreams May Come.’


“My question is: If a spirit chooses a life that will end in suicide, does that spirit also choose what happens to it in the afterlife? Where is the learning there? How will the spirit move on?”


Dear Cherry,


Here are my thoughts on the questions you raised.


It is not possible for anyone to give a definite or categorical answer to your questions about reincarnation, suicide and afterlife until he goes to the other side himself.


However, the following are my thoughts, as you requested.


1. Belief in reincarnation does not necessarily lead us to believe our lives are predestined. On the contrary, it shows we always have free choice.


Yes, it is true that some people commit suicide “to free themselves of their demons,” as you call them, and to see what it’s like on the other side, but that’s a choice they need not make.


Suicides and hell


2. Not all who commit suicide reveal a hellish afterlife. Belief in hell is confined to certain religions such as Christianity, but is not a common belief among other religions.


You asked, “If a spirit chooses that a life will end in suicide, did that spirit also choose what would become of his afterlife? Where is the learning there? How will the spirit move on?”


One school of thought is that when a person dies, his spirit goes to a halfway house called the “Devachanic Plane” where it is met by relatives or spirit guides.


The guides will show in detail the life he has just left and they will know the effects that his thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions had on other people.


From this review of his life, he will make a decision whether he will stay in the spirit world to learn his lessons, become a spirit guide to others, or go back to earth as a new incarnation to work out his karma.


I do not believe there is no more learning once one reaches the other side. On the contrary, learning takes place there at a faster rate than here on earth because the spirit is no longer bound by the limitations of the material body.


Of course, this is just my opinion as you have requested. Therefore, you may accept or reject it.


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