Hotness on parade

rating: 9.9/10

I was smiling, if not laughing throughout the movie because, aside from the stellar casting and dialogue, it was amusing to watch our good-looking characters jump through hoops just to have meaningless sex.

One would think such coupling is no problem, especially if you are Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. We assume that just by being hot, whoever they are paired up with would end up deranged. However, in the movie, as it is in movies, they’re the ones who apparently need to keep their emotions in check.

Newsflash: hot people get rejected, too!

Once you get over that—actually, it shouldn’t be hard; in the beginning of the movie, they both get dumped by equally gorgeous people—then it becomes easier to ride on the premise, because Justin and Mila are very casual and nonchalant about their hotness. You come around to thinking it may just be possible that these two have to deal with proletarian issues like we normal people do.

On that note: Don’t you just love beautiful people who downplay their hotness? Yesterday, I was watching this reality show which featured couples preparing for a dinner party. One of the guys, who obviously just wanted to show off, prepared the meals shirtless, with only his apron on. God knows what bodily sheddings ended up in those dishes. I’m no fan of hot people who are ingratiating in their hotness, particularly those whose vanity precedes food safety concerns, as in this case.

Going back to the movie, aside from the leads’ onscreen chemistry and hilarious conversations, I loved Richard Jenkins, who played the father of Justin. That scene where he gripped his head in frustration because life is so short provides a beautiful perspective, particularly for people who loathe birthdays because they remind them of their age. That scene makes you think about the people who would love to have more birthdays, who would spend millions in a hospital just to extend their time on earth, but their clocks just won’t tick for much longer, or they’ve stopped ticking altogether.