Harassed by an angry wife



My wife and I are both OFWs. We are now in the process of annulling our marriage. My wife got very angry when she saw photographs of me and a particular woman on Facebook. She is a neighbor in the building I live in and we have pictures partying together.


Now my wife is demanding that I turn over to her the complete ownership of our house, plus an additional P400,000 for damages. She warned that should I not give in to her demands, she would file a case against me. She is using my messages and photos in Facebook to blackmail me.


I’d like to know if it is possible for her to have me deported from the country I am working in and what is the possible case she would file against me?—Scared Husband


Are you and your wife working in different countries? How else can she be monitoring your Internet-socializing with such intensity and getting her ire if you aren’t living separately and knowing she has no control over you?


Your activities are obviously making her very jealous and insecure enough to make her mind go haywire!


Taking a cue from your quite cryptic letter, there seems to be no criminal case she can pull out of a hat. And what is she basing her accusations on? Internet photographs? Gossip? She must first have solid proof of your adultery to be able to file a solid case against you.


Before you start quivering in your boots fearing deportation, your wife cannot just scream from the mountaintop and brazenly make those exorbitant demands. Everything depends on the country you’re working in.


Unless you were caught in flagrante delicto, some countries still won’t hang you for it. In places like Korea and Taiwan, adultery continues to be a crime and has severe sanctions, including the death penalty. In Middle Eastern countries, the punishment is stoning to death. However, proving adultery under Muslim law requires the accuser to produce four eyewitnesses with good reputation for truthfulness and honesty. You’re lucky if you’re in Europe, as adultery there has been decriminalized.


Will you please try to be more judicious in your Facebook postings so they will not put you in compromising situations with your playmates and paramours?


Your cards have to be all stacked up for you at this crucial time of your life. Wait till you are a free man! Then act crazy!


E-mail emarcelo@inquirer.com.ph or emarcelo629@gmail.com