Social dancing, lessons via AARP at Fil-Am arts fest in LA

filamarts photoWASHINGTON, DC– Nearly 25,000 visitors from around the country attended Southern California’s longest-running Filipino cultural celebration October 4-5 at its new venue, Los Angeles County’s Grand Park, as part of Filipino American History Month.


“AARP was proud to sponsor the 23rd Annual Festival of Philippine Arts & Culture (FPAC), a celebration of Filipino food, music, dance, crafts and culture,” its press statement said.


As the official sponsor of the FPAC Dance Floor at the Senior Pavilion, AARP hosted free dance performances, lessons and social dancing for festival attendees.


“AARP is pleased to partner with FilAm Arts, a leading presenter of traditional and emerging Filipino American artists in the country,” said Daphne Kwok, AARP vice president of Multicultural Markets and Engagement, Asian American and Pacific Islander Audience.


“We are proud to sponsor a unique event like FPAC where multigenerational families have the opportunity to experience a variety of traditional and contemporary Filipino art and dance,” she added.


For more information about how AARP helps Asian American & Pacific Islander families get more out of life, visit, and