Save your skin and your eyes

In the landscape of noninvasive treatments, there is radio frequency. Aesthetic practitioners have seen a steady increase of demand from patients for nonsurgical/no-downtime approaches to skin and face rejuvenation.


Radio frequency or RF has been around for decades. Its main and expected result is the stimulation of collagen formation. From age 30 onward, there is a decrease in collagen function and quantity in the dermal and sub-dermal layers, causing skin laxity and wrinkles.


The blessings of radio frequency are evident when heat is generated through resistance of the skin tissue to the RF current. This causes a biochemical cascade, which stimulates and influences new collagen production.


RF today has reached its third generation, called RF 3-Deep technology or Endymed Medical Ltd. from Israel. In the past, there have been a succession of RF devices—monopolar (unipolar) using a single generator, bipolar using two electrodes, and multipolar, another type of bipolar. The disadvantage of these past devices was size and bulkiness. With Endymed, hard-to-reach corners of the face, like the eye areas, can be reached safely and efficiently.


The other disadvantage was the amount of energy directed to the skin’s surface, which could cause adverse effects like minor burns.


At her Alabang Clinic, Dr. Amy Patdu has a special room for her Endymed treatments. Through a dramatic before-and-after difference, one side of the face will be treated, particularly the eye area.


Within 10 minutes the visible results are amazing. There is an immediate lifting effect to the eyes.


While the applicator is small and manageable for the delicate area, there is heat generated by this state-of-the-art machine which does not sting or burn. The 3-Deep technology is called homogenous dermal heating, making it different from former RF technologies. The US-FDA approved machine can address the problems of sagging eyes, drooping eyebrows and loose skin. Easily, one can look up to 10 years more rejuvenated after a 30-minute session.


Recommended number of sessions is six to 10, with follow-up treatments every five weeks. This is truly the answer for men and women who shun surgical procedures.


Yes, eye rejuvenation is now finally possible without surgery. (Call Patdu Clinic at tel. nos. 4033831 or 0918-9307277.)


Eyes bright


What can be more important than eye health? In the end, it is what you eat that ultimately reflects on the quality of your skin and the brightness of your eyes.


There is no answer that comes to mind but vitamin A. No other vitamin can rival the benefits of vitamin A in getting rid of wrinkles. Sun-damaged skin, especially, responds well to vitamin A skin treatments. But for everyday habits, try this daily vegetable juicing.


Skin tonic drink



Drink up every morning on an empty stomach.


This is a skin and eye drink, so be assured that it can benefit both your complexion and your eyes.


Collagen boosters


Vitamin C is best known as a collagen-boosting nutrient. Doctors worldwide prescribe and advocate the consumption of natural and whole food high in vitamin C, like guavas, kiwi and citrus. Dr. Omar Arabia, head of Paracelsus Medical Clinic, is a proponent of vitamin C as one of the cancer preventive measures.


He explains that people who eat the right kinds and amount of healthful food look younger than their counterparts who are not careful with their diets.


Skin-healing agents include:



Consult your doctor always.


Both selenium and vitamin E are free radical fighters, and vitamin A is famous for reversing photo aging (damages caused by sun exposure).


Remember at all times, whether or not you feel thirsty, drink one glass of water every waking hour. Stay hydrated.


This week’s affirmation: “I received a shower of blessings every day!”


Love and light!




Reference: “Healing with Vitamins,” Prevention Magazine