Assessing your child’s learning style


MANILA, Philippines — Is your child having a hard time paying attention to verbal lectures? Or is the little one more engrossed in highly visual lessons? Does the young learner prefer playing with shapes and building blocks rather than sitting down in math and science classes? Whichever of these is your tiny bundle of joy’s style or struggle in learning, rest assured that this is normal among kids. In fact, toddlers, and even adults, really have different styles of learning.

Remember, the habit of chatting with seatmates or roaming around and exploring the classroom does not make your child a slow learner or an outcast. This may simply mean that your little one has different learning needs.

Today, there are three highly-acknowledged learning styles in the field of education: the auditory learning, the visual learning, and the kinaesthetic learning. Now how do you identify which of these is your child’s style, and what does each actually imply?

If you often find your little learner enchanted by sounds which people, animals, or even things make, then your child may be identified as an auditory learner. Sound is the best buddy for this type of learners. They acquire and digest knowledge best from dialogue and discussions with other individuals. Leaving them with written notes as a reviewer may not work for them, but explaining lessons to them will surely do the trick. And if you see them talking while memorizing notes; let them be. They learn best with sounds.

But if your child enjoys colouring, doodling, writing, and sketching, then you have a young visual learner. These learners benefit best from the classroom setup of teaching where blackboards and charts are the key players. Visual learners remember details better when they see it rather than hearing it. Diagrams will help them gain full understanding of a concept, but if you talk to them while learning these graphed concepts, they may struggle in concentrating on the visuals.

Now if your child is the type who tinkers with toys and things, even those that are not meant to be played with, that makes your little one a kinaesthetic or tactile learner. These learners need an actual experience of the concepts and lessons that are taught to them. Educational activities like experiments, games, and role-playing, and various learning tools, for example: abacus, building blocks, clays, and the likes are the perfect companion for these young students.

See, learning is not limited within the boxed concept of education which most people grew up with. It is most definitely not confined within the four corners of a classroom, and it is not just through perfect A’s and exemplary performance in recitations that a child’s intelligence can be measured.

The most effective ways through which parents may assess and amplify their children’s intelligences are by: (1) Identifying which learning style works best for their kids and (2) providing the little ones supplements that will help them improve on areas where they are lacking. Doing these helps enable them to be successful in many different fields, wherein they display their brain, body, and people smarts.

These supplements can be activities devised for social and thinking skills enhancement or a healthy diet that will supply the child’s much needed nutrients.

Progress Pre-School Gold is formulated to help strengthen a child’s multiple intelligences. It comes with the GOLD Biofactors System, a combination of nutrients that are scientifically brought together to help improve the young one’s mental and visual development, growth, as well as digestive health and immunity development.

To help the little ones become brain, body, and people smart through accelerated growth, let them engage in various activities that will help them learn while ensuring that their nutrition is covered by Progress Pre-School Gold. advt

Originally posted: 7:37 PM | Thursday, December 4th, 2014