Edibles as emergency gifts


These DIY edible gift items are easy to assemble and can be personalized. The recipient will appreciate not just your gesture but the actual gift itself.


Besides, you can never go wrong with food.


Mason jar cake


Mason jars have been very popular, so why not make your own jar cake? Alternate layers of sweetened cream and either cake or Graham crackers, and then top them with just about anything: fruits, chocolates, candies.


You can also encourage the recipient to participate; put just the cake or brownie mix inside but leave the baking to them. Have fun personalizing the labels and tags, and don’t forget to attach a spoon.


Trail mix


Everyone’s turning into a health nut these days, so encourage healthy eating by giving nutritious stuff. Buy some pretty Ziploc bags and fill them up with all sorts of nuts, dried fruit, seeds and even blocks of dark chocolate. Don’t forget to write a note.


Throwback tin can


For a trip down memory lane, fill a tin can with candies, biscuits, chocolates and chips from the recipient’s childhood days. Good luck looking for Tarzan, Big Boy or Serg’s, but we know there’s still Choc Nut, White Rabbit, Tootsie Roll, Haw Flakes, Peter’s Butter Ball, Cloud 9, Big Bang, Choco Mallows, Ricoa Curly Tops, Ricoa Flat Tops, Iced Gems and Orange Swits. Photocopy your childhood photos and use as tag.


Color-coordinated candy


Have fun filling up all sorts of containers with color-coordinated candy, whether it’s M&Ms, Skittles, sunflower seeds or gummy bears. You can go for the standard green and red but don’t forget other Christmas-color combinations. And feel free to mix different types of sweet treats.


12 drinks of Christmas


Fill a canvas bag with 12 types of drinks—juice in a bottle, milk tea in a can, a mint tea bag, a coffee sachet, a hot choco pack, etc. And if you’re feeling extra generous, add a cute mug (or glass or tumbler), a pack of stirrers, and some sweetener, whether it’s a container of sugar cubes, a box of artificial sweetener or a bottle of honey.


Personalized theme gift baskets


You know how gift baskets all have ingredients for spaghetti or fruit salad? Well, not everyone wants those for Christmas. Why not assemble a really special basket with unexpected items and ingredients, with the recipient particularly in mind? For example, someone who likes spicy food would love to receive Delimondo Chili and Garlic corned beef, Cheetos Crunchy Cheddar Jalapeño, and a bottle of Tabasco Chipotle Sauce. A vegetarian gift basket? Not a problem. A lactose-intolerant gift basket? Challenging, but still possible.