Five Things About APEC’s Hottest President Enrique Nieto

As the world’s most important leaders across Asia and the Pacific make a stopover here in Manila forAPEC 2015, we need to back up a bit and remember something of equal value.Mexico’s heartthrob of a president, Enrique Nieto is here once again. A year ago, he made a two-hour pit stop here on his way to Australia, to the excitement of Kris Aquino, who took over  some diplomatic duties as President Aquino was in Myanmar.

Although, Kris might be more taken by doing her duties she welcomed President Enrique once more, we couldn’t help but wonder more about the political cutie, who has earned a place in people’s hearts for looking fine. So here are a few you need to know behind that charismatic smile and that attractive demeanor.

He was born on July 22, 1966

enrique pena nieto mexican president preen

Not bad for someone who is 49 years old. Not bad at all.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in law and also an MBA from Instituto Tecnólogico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Good looks and brains! Some people are truly #blessed.

He’s been included in the Forbes List of the World’s Most Powerful People in 2013 and 2014.

Just like his face, his resumé looks really good.

He is currently on his third year of tenure as President of Mexico and will serve as their leader until 2018.

We hope, even if we don’t live in Mexico, that he’s thinking of running for re-election—more time to ogle at him! Though, it will take more than just his smile to increase his popularity in his country given his decreasing approval rating.

He is currently married to Mexican soap opera actress Angélica Rivera. The couple met on the campaign trail.

No surprises there, of course.



Photos courtesy of President Enrique Nieto’s Instagram