What books are you reading?

t0105bedside-reading_feat4_1Ai de la Cruz

MYX VJ and PBA courtside reporter


After finishing “The Hunger Games” and “Divergent” trilogies this year, I decided to take a break from dystopian-theme books and focus more on chic lit. Just a few days ago, I was following the story of Hadley and Oliver in “The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight.” This was the first Jennifer E. Smith novel I tried, thanks to a fellow bookworm who gave it to me as a gift just recently. I fell in love with the characters immediately and I just had to finish it in one sitting!


Of course, I looked for more of Smith’s books after that and I’m now on the 32nd page of her “The Geography of You and Me.” The meet-cute happens immediately, inside a hotel elevator that suddenly stops because of a city-wide blackout in New York, which is why Lucy and Owen are forced to talk to each other, while trapped in the dark, unsure of when they will be rescued, and… well, I have to read the rest first! But isn’t it exciting?